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  1. fury

    Get in chat!

  2. fury

    Let's get MOVING!

    We need to beat those Italians. If you're not on OCN's Genome team, GET ON IT! :D Click here for info on what Genome@Home is and how to get started at it. You know you want to. If you are on OCN's genome team, ramp your production!
  3. fury

    Iwill giveaway: $35000 in prizes Go, enter!
  4. fury

    One sentence post

    :D:D:D I mailed out the contract for my DSL.
  5. fury

    Am I being excessively mean?

    Spanking does not work. Putting them in timeout does not work. Taking away their TV does not work. They (my 2 brothers - 5 and 6 years of age) will tear up anything and everything they can get their hands on, leaving nothing but destruction behind, regardless of either of the above 3...
  6. fury


    :fart::fart::fart::fart::fart::fart::fart::fart::fart::fart::fart::fart::fart: :fart::fart::fart::fart::fart::fart::fart::fart::fart::fart::fart::fart::fart: :fart::fart::fart::fart::fart::fart::fart::fart::fart::fart::fart::fart::fart...
  7. fury

    (x-forum) Up to 135 years in jail for distributed computing?!

    I thought I'd make a cross-forum post since it has some relevancy to the media. The thread is "Up to 135 years in jail for distributed computing?!" in the Collective forum.
  8. fury

    Up to 135 years in jail for distributed computing?!

    Two years ago, David McOwen was system administrator at a small technical college in Georgia when he installed the RC5 client on roughly 200 of their public workstations. Almost two years later, the state of Georgia has apparently returned with nine felony counts under Georgia...
  9. fury

    I'm #1!

    Yep, I'm #1. :retard: Feels great to be on top of the world. *looks down* How's the weather down there, Hugey? :D
  10. fury

    Cooking with the Duron

    1 AMD Duron 700 1 Pencil 1 Chrome Orb 1 Abit KT7 with weakened clip latches 1 drop of OCZ Quicksilver 1 Quicker Computer Screwer Upper :smash: 1 set of ears Give ingredients to Quicker Computer Screwer Upper. Have him apply pencil to L1 bridges of AMD Duron Have him spread OCZ...
  11. fury

    20,000 posts

    Congratualatins, br0xen! 20,000th post
  12. fury

    Does anybody remember all the media hype about the Y2k bug?

    XiBase's 2000th thread. (Read it here) fury's 2000th post. (You're reading it now) Somehow I am reminded of the huge media "scare" of y2k. So when January 1st, 2000 first rolled around, where were the totally and completely dead computers? The downed telephone lines? The global...
  13. fury

    Somebody shoot me

    I've installed Win2k :eek: Now how do I get my PC speaker to work?
  14. fury

    Happy Birthday, majorDad!

  15. fury

    100,000 thread views!

    We've passed 100,000 thread views since vBulletin was installed which is around July 3rd. w000000000000000000000000000t!
  16. fury

    God Angrily Clarifies "Don't Kill" Rule

    from everybody's favorite news site, The Onion NEW YORK—Responding to recent events on Earth, God, the omniscient creator-deity worshipped by billions of followers of various faiths for more than 6,000 years, angrily clarified His longtime stance against humans killing each other Monday...
  17. fury

    I went to the Dolphin pavilion

    In the Indianapolis Zoo, there's a Dolphin Pavilion. Along with the rest of the zoo, I went to see it. :retard: Fun, wee! :grin:
  18. fury


    AWW ****ING **** HELL YEAH!@# - This address IS qualified for DSL service - 768 (96kb per second) download, 128 (16kb per second) upload - $50/mo :o - Ameritech says 30 days (the rep I talked with says they take less than 30 days to get there but just say that) - If I want a router...
  19. fury

    Intelligent Discussion time

    Does God, or any other supernatural, omnipresent being for that matter, exist? I do believe one exists, but not necessarily in the stereotypical fashion. For instance, I don't believe in having to memorize and recite a certain written set of words in order to constitute as a prayer, because...
  20. fury

    Randomly uploading/downloading moderately sized chunks of data

    From time to time (around every 10 or so minutes today) my computer just starts randomly accessing the internet. I can't manage to catch it in time to see any IPs on netstat -n but the thing definitely just randomly starts receiving around 10-20kb and sending 1-2kb, sometimes 3kb I've been...