Search results

  1. fury

    Anybody care for a 264-CPU Athlon server cluster?

    The Supercomputer consists of 132 Linux based nodes configured with 264 AMD Athlon(TM) MP processors, 132 gigabytes of memory and nearly 8 terabytes of storage. Each node is connected with Dolphin Interconnect's high-performance WulfKit, which includes a 64Bit/66MHz SCI card and Scali...
  2. fury

    Is this some sick sh*t or what?!

    Anyone remember that site? I was really, really bored, so I happened upon that site again, and after a glance, it appears she has a slave who was trained by his aunt starting from an early age, to eat her (his aunt's) pie and drink her piss...
  3. fury

    Tada, I've been hacked!

    For the second time within a month! And the owner of the IP address, according to netstat at the time, is to blame! Of course, seeing as how that's a private IP address, there is no doubt the guy spoofed it. ZoneAlarm never detected a thing, but I sure did. I noticed the tone...
  4. fury

    3000 threads, 30000 posts!

    The 3,000th thread is this thread, started by PostCode (thread id is larger than 3,000 because a few hundred threads were killed off) The 30,000th post? By me, of course! :D (again, post id is larger than 30,000 because a...
  5. fury

    For all you stats whores...

    Enjoy! :D
  6. fury


    Check this out: Delirium (requires shockwave) My high score is 85675
  7. fury

    Two Men Sentenced for Helping Sept. 11 Hijackers Get Fake IDs in Virginia

    Two men who admitted helping Sept. 11 hijackers obtain false identification cards were sentenced Friday in federal court. Victor M. Lopez-Flores (an illegal alien from El Salvador), who pleaded guilty to falsely certifying that two of the hijackers were Virginia residents, was sentenced to 27...
  8. fury

    Almost 3000 threads...

    Keep em coming, people! :smash:
  9. fury

    Everyone please respond to the latest poll in Polls forum (nt)
  10. fury

    1000 in Gaming, Software & Internet

    s00perw00t! Let's hear it for the newest forum to hit 1000 posts! :smash:
  11. fury

    Pizza Hut - P'Zones

    Anyone ever tried these? I just had some... two sausage, onion, mushroom and cheese last night, and a pepperoni and cheese one this morning.. All of them were pretty good. I'm gonna be stinking up the place today :fart:
  12. fury

    Anyone using the IP link ( to xibase, please read this

    Over the next few days, you will need to update any bookmarks you are using with the IP link to use the named link ( Reason for this is, we're *ducks* moving to a different server within our current host, which will mean most likely a new IP. No, there shouldn't be any...
  13. fury

    AOL = the next 800lb Gorilla?

    Trillian, a free client that connects to AIM, ICQ, MSN, Yahoo, and IRC all under the same program, and a godsend to the millions of people signed up for more than one IM service, is now being attacked by the internet and media giant AOL Time Warner. America Online is blocking people using...
  14. fury

    Having CD-ROM plugged in increases bootup time dramatically

    Every time I have my CD-ROM plugged into my computer, Win2k takes 3 minutes to boot up, and at some points appears to lock up while it is accessing the drive. Without the CD-ROM plugged in, it's 30-45 seconds (depending on whether my system just crashed (45) or whether it's booting after a clean...
  15. fury

    Sorry about that.

    If you thought maybe you were experiencing a bit of a slowdown, you were. The server temporarily had a load spike, but that is over now. Apologies for the inconvenience. Be sure to reply to this thread and tell us how you coped with this disaster. Me, I just sobbed uncontrollably as I logged...
  16. fury

    Anybody up for a test?

    The test subject: A gallery script I modified to show multiple items per row. Experimental, because I've only been able to tweak it where it performs fine for one user. I don't know how it performs when multiple users are hitting it. Thus, this test is born. The object: Find out if this...
  17. fury

    Anybody remember the days...

    of when you had to tweak your system for a reason? Like you had to tweak it to get Windows to start up in under 2 minutes? Those were the good old days... I just had a flash back to them when I went to my uncle's to try to work on his computer. I turned the computer on, and mistakenly...
  18. fury

    Is anyone not doing genome that should be?

    cause, I was thinkin, ya know, JOIN UP! :D Click the Genome/Seti information thread at the top of this forum.
  19. fury

    2 ghz XP to sport .13 micron

    Courtesy of Pra on IRC The XP-2500 using Thoroughbred will indeed launch in Q2 of this year but it seems the amount of on die level two cache is not decided - meaning it's likely to be higher. mmm, does that mean we'll have genuine (read: not Pee-4) 2 ghz processors with 512k of on-die...
  20. fury

    Society influences our thoughts and beliefs

    This was something that I was going to make in reply to another thread but I thought it would probably be best in it's own thread. The next time you think, unless you are of strong character, today's society has probably had something to do with the outcome of your thinking. Today's...