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  1. fury

    Check this out!

    Users with Windows and IE5 or above (sorry Linux users :() can now have a kickass toolbar showing links to the latest discussions in a little ticker window. 1) Right click on your taskbar 2) Go to Toolbars 3) Click New Toolbar 4) In the "Folder" box, enter this...
  2. fury

    Why all this computer power, and no applications that really need it?

    Here we are with multi-GHz CPUs, hundred-gigabyte+ hard drives that read hundreds of megs worth of data per second, water-cooling systems that cool your computer to below freezing temperatures, video cards that generate photo-realistic quality imagery in real-time, sound cards that generate...
  3. fury

    What happens when you DON'T see "Must-see TV"?

    If it's Must-see TV, then there must be something bad that happens when you don't see it, right? Otherwise they wouldn't call it must-see TV... Right? Well, I rarely ever watch Must-see TV... and I'm fine... or am I? How many people here actually watch Must-see TV, for fear of something...
  4. fury

    Do you really have any chance of preventing the bed bugs from biting?

    You know how the saying goes... "Don't let the bed bugs bite" Well, unless you remained awake 24/7, and performed constant disinfectant sprays and/or pesticides on your bed sheets and your bedroom floor, you don't really have much of a choice except letting the bed bugs bite. After all...
  5. fury

    I think superstition is superstupid.

    Whoever is worried that opening an umbrella in the house is bad luck should worry first about the reason they'd need to open an umbrella before worrying about any bad luck that may come, because it's likely already bad luck that they need to open the umbrella in the first place. And that...
  6. fury

    Why does it have to be on Mondays that you have a case of the "Mondays"?

    Can't you have a case of the "Mondays" on Fridays instead? You're very likely going to eliminate the feeling of the "Mondays" in your celebrations during the weekends anyway, and you wouldn't have remembered a thing about your case of the "Mondays" on Friday. But when you have a case of the...
  7. fury

    What would happen if your ears really DID hang low?

    Would you really tie them in a knot, then tie them in a bow like the song says? I don't know about you, but I'd rather throw them over my shoulder like a continental soldier, because it sounds like tying them would probably cause me to get them all tangled up. Why, you ask? Well, if my...
  8. fury

    What if...

    people really did wear shoes on their head, hats on their feet, get eaten by hamburgers, and flushed toilets whose water spun the other way? Who ever said people wearing hats had to wear them on their heads? Why not go to work today with a hat on your hand, underwear on your head, and a pan...
  9. fury

    The english language is so odd

    I mean, think about it. What's the difference between "Neither" (pronounced nee-ther) and "Neither" (pronounced ny-ther) If there is no difference, why have both pronunciations? And why are there two different meanings for so many words? Bass - one form of bass is a low-pitch tone, and...
  10. fury

    What if there was no time?

    Do you think the world would be a lot different today if there were no time? If people didn't have to wait in line for 20 minutes to get a ticket to a sports event? If tests weren't limited to 3 hours? I don't mean in the literal sense that everything would happen instantly, I mean how...
  11. fury

    One Paragraph Thread

    This is Another Nonsense Thread That Probably Nobody Is Going To Reply To And Instead Is Going To Make People Flame Me™ brought to you by fury which is somewhat similar to the One Word Thread, except that instead of one word per post, it's one paragraph per post. Each paragraph should contain at...
  12. fury

    2000 Posts in Hardware!

    Here's to the next 2000! :beerchug: Acid made the official 2000th post with this remark in this thread:
  13. fury

    IBM 120gxp

    Saw this one over at OCN and thought I'd share with the crowd here :D Somewhere in the review, the 120gxp is said to be comparable to two 75gxp's in raid. That in itself deserves a nice big :eek:
  14. fury

    Is my video card dying?

    See the sticky for the rig thread for my full specs. My video card is a Leadtek Winslow Geforce2 GTS 64mb. It was once overclocked, but as I am now using Windows XP exclusively, it is no longer overclocked. In the following modes, I get absolutely NO red signal to the monitor at all...
  15. fury

    Honoring a Traitor

    Passing this along. <hr size="1" color="#800000"> This is for all the kids born in the 70's that do not remember this, and didn't have to bear the burden, that our fathers, mothers, and older brothers and sisters had to bear.Jane Fonda is being honored as one of the "100 Women of the...
  16. fury


    Get your ass back here!
  17. fury

    This one has me stumped

    Prelude: A CD was inserted in the Compaq DVD-ROM inside this system (see System 2 in my post in the Rig thread). Everything fell apart thereafter. Windows 2000 Pro SP2 ceased recognizing the drive, then locked up and when it was rebooted, it hung at "Verifying DMI Pool Data". After playing...
  18. fury

    Internet - Web services (e.g. Hosting, Bulletin Boards)

    I shall start off this category by posting a link to my favorite hosting company: HostRocket Fast and stable servers, excellent support staff, great ticket turnover times even if they're not flagged as priority, and a FAT pipe (download speeds can reach up to 500kb/s) (edited to change...
  19. fury

    I see you all online, but NOT POSTING!

  20. fury

    Why Overclock? A mini-essay...

    For me, it is an addiction. That first big rush you get when you overclock a $100 CPU to be faster than a $200 CPU is almost orgasmic, especially if it is out of pure competition with a buddy or buddies of yours who all paid out the ass to get the latest whiz-bang Pentium 5 and Geforce4 Super...