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  1. fury

    Moved: fury

    Into a trailer, as opposed to a house. Took all day, but at least the phone line was installed in advance :D I get a nice boost of speed from the better quality phone wiring they installed, now instead of crawling across the web at a painstaking, unbearingly slow 28.8k or below, I now...
  2. fury

    Abortion: Amoral, or necessary evil?

    I apologize in advance for hitting any sore spots. Save for when the mother is at a significant risk of death, nah. If it is a teen mother who got drunk and had a fun night with the guy she dumped the next day, then for the rest of her life, she has a responsibility to try her best to raise...
  3. fury

    Happy birthday, br0ck and Jas101

    Have a good one :beerchug:
  4. fury

    This is the flurffmeister...

    ...and this is what the flurffmeister sounds like:
  5. fury


    I wanna know who's here and who's not so I know who to ban for inactivity :D :p
  6. fury

    Something interesting I found in the source for a WinXP help file

    function MM_initTimelines() { //MM_initTimelines() Copyright 1997 Macromedia, Inc. All rights reserved. var ns = navigator.appName == "Netscape"; ^-- Sure, it was made by Macromedia, but would MS really allow netscape browsers to view their help files? :eek:
  7. fury

    2000 posts in Thriller Promotions & Pavilion!

    <marquee behavior="alternate">:smash::smoke::smash: w0000000000000t! :smash::smoke::smash:</marquee>
  8. fury


    Hi. :)
  9. fury

    Looks like I won't be getting DSL.

    Even though, when I ordered it, I was initially told I was 12,000 feet away from the CO, the vendor meet (where a DSL guy and a phone technician come out to the site to perform diagnostics) finished up this morning and I was told that, while the phone line pretty much tested very well and all...
  10. fury

    WTB: Abit ST6/ST6-RAID

    I'd like an Abit ST6 or an ST6-raid, either one would be fine. Need it to put a Celeron 566@850 on and have the possibility to upgrade to a Tualatin P3.
  11. fury

    Sex, reproduction, etc etc...

    Why is it that something so basic and native to our instincts has lately received such bad vibes? It is one of the first things humans ever did on this planet and it is our only method of continuing the generations. So why does it seem so immoral to talk about such things? Is it because of...
  12. fury

    KT266a roundup
  13. fury

    Even lightning can't crash my Linux box!

    A big storm just passed over me, and the power was out for 15-20 seconds. My UPS held out just long enough for the power to come back on, and my Linux box retains its 26 day+ uptime! Something's definitely wrong when a computer in my house is up for that long. :lol:
  14. fury

    The Magic Pebbles

    The Magic Pebbles "Why do we have to learn all of this dumb stuff?" Of all the complaints and questions I have heard from my students during my years in the classroom, this was the one most frequently uttered. I would answer it by recounting the following legend...
  15. fury

    IRC stats now more detailed

    Now people aren't on there as multiple nicknames, and there is a more detailed hourly stats table. w00t! :D
  16. fury

    How much would you bet...

    ...that if I were to buy a new system, have someone else put it together, and have them lock me out of the case and bios, that I would have NO more trouble with ANY operating system at all?
  17. fury

    You can post news to the front end

    You've always had that feature available to you through the front end by clicking on the contribute news link. You simply type in your nickname, email, and optionally a URL, and the news story, and when it is submitted, it is added to a queueueueue of news stories to be approved by the...
  18. fury

    What is the best cell phone to get?

    e.g. one that won't break every time you turn around, one that's not a 10-step process to answer a call :rolleyes: and one that's just generally a nice all-around cell phone.
  19. fury

    Welcome to the team, br0ck!

    If you'll look up and to the left, just under the little red dot up there, you'll see that br0ck is now a moderator in the Speak Easy. Now bow down and respect your new master! :D Just kidding... Welcome aboard, br0xen :)
  20. fury

    xibase q3 clan?

    I might start a Q3 clan for xibase and I was wondering if anyone would be interested in joining it... An example of a tag would be fury[x] Probably an RA3 or TWCTF kinda deal since those are more fast paced than vanilla Q3 team games. So, anyone up for it?