Search results

  1. fury

    Entropia? WTF?

    Either there's more distributed computing teams called xibase, or some of our members are stealthily running Entropia Distributed Computing :o <-- Found this URL on google :eek:
  2. fury

    What color is your underwear?

  3. fury

    Happy birthday, 1fast6

  4. fury

    New virus expected to have very widespread effects

    SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Computer security experts on Monday warned of a new virus that deletes files while masquerading as a program that will allow people to vote on whether the United States should go to war over the Sept. 11 hijacker attacks. The ``Vote Virus,'' which so far is not...
  5. fury

    Best (FASTEST) SCSI disk drive?

  6. fury

    What game are you most looking forward to in the future?

    All Doom3 from here, baby :cool: And I'll probably have a Radeon 8500 by the time it comes out too, so :p @ the Geforce 2 I have in my system now ;)
  7. fury

    I have my computer so overclocked it crashes when it's IDLE!

    I made some bios tweaks earlier today and now my system runs about 5-10% faster, but now it crashes when it's left idle :D (e.g. without a Genome running, which happens on accident because sometimes it never starts when Windows loads... gg inferior Windows 98se coding)
  8. fury

    if you have the option of setting up windows or linux for your dedicated genomer...

    As much as it's going to wrench my gut, I have to say go with Windows. I hate to say it, but the Windows client is a crapload more stable than the Linux client as it is right now. My T-bird will lock up way WAY before the program will crash or terminate. My Linux box's uptime is great (9...
  9. fury

    no cable and no DSL make fury something something

    I just got word from my cable company again that they're really in no hurry to start rolling out cable internet services, and I also got word from my phone company that DSL will not be provided to my location due to being one of the least populated areas of the city :mad: :mad: :mad: So...
  10. fury

    Happy Birthday, tko97

    __ __ ___ _____ _____ _ __ / /| / /| / | / __ `. / __ `. | | / /' / //_/ // / /| | / /,-` // / /,-` // | |/ // / ___ // / /_| | / //_/ // / //_/ // | ` // / /,-/ // / ____ | / ____,// / ____,//...
  11. fury

    Tomshardware smells burning

    Check this article out. Tomshardware has themselves a Pentium 4 2 gig, a Pentium 3 1 gig, a T-bird 1400 and a Palomino 1200. From the topic name, you can probably guess that they did something related to burning :) They actually pulled off the CPU heatsink while the CPU was running an...
  12. fury

    fear's favorite song

    Click here to hear it (1.81 mb MP3 file - only those with a sense of humor listen plz ;))
  13. fury

    A moth just kissed my halogen lamp

    It smells funny in here so as a knee-jerk reflex, I had grabbed my power plug and was about ready to rip it out of the back of the computer. :retard:
  14. fury

    17,000 total posts

    The official 17,000th post was made in a private forum (sorry :o) But it belongs to Neo, so congratulate him or something like that... :cool: :beerchug: For a screenie of 17,000, click here (167kb, 1600x1200)
  15. fury

    Radeon 8500,12880,2804040,00.html John Carmack predicts the card will perform twice as well as nVidia's GeForce 3 on Doom3 - I bet the boys over at nVidia just love that :o Meanwhile here I am getting horny over the thing... god, I want this card. 8.8 gigs of...
  16. fury

    10,000 posts in the Speak Easy!

    WOOHOO! Break out the expensive stuff again :smash: :beerchug:
  17. fury

    Check in!

    Howdy ho!
  18. fury

    I have once again ducted my central A/C to my computer

    Thanks to Q for making it possible :smash: Temps are dropping rapidly... system temp was 27... now 16... cpu temp was 57... now 48 :D T-bird 1.2 @ 1.4 w/ Glacier 2 heatsink and 26cfm YS-Tech fan
  19. fury

    Weird moire-like patterns on my new monitor

    Can't take a screenie, so I'll just try to describe it... It's kind of like the weird, moireish pattern you see on some monitors for the first 30 minutes or so that they're turned on. Except one thing: I've had this monitor on for a few hours now :( It doesn't distort any colors, and...