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  1. fury

    Genome@Home priority question

    How do I raise the priority of Genome@home so it has a higher priority than other apps? I find the weirdest things taking up my CPU time now, like just scrolling down a page can use up to 50% of my CPU time. I think I can stand waiting for my screen to draw as long as I know Genome@Home is...
  2. fury

    New hardware? You bet!

    19 megs of ram and a 256 inch monitor... err... 256 inches of ram and a 19 meg monitor? No, that's not it either... Oh, this is it... 256 megs of ram and a 19" monitor came for me in the mail today! :D :D :D :D :D KDS VS-19sn 256mb Crucial PC133 CAS2 I now have 384 megs of...
  3. fury

    Hi! My name is flurffy!

    Name: Dennis Field Age: 71 :lol: (actually, 16) Height: 6'5" Weight: A lot Homeschooled. Too much time on my hands. Favorite Hobby: Breaking computers and learning how to fix them afterwards :smash: Favorite Music: Rock, Metal Favorite Movies: Most anything with Star Trek before...
  4. fury

    Printer problem

    The printer cord is plugged into the LPT1: port and the printer, the printer has plenty of paper, is not out of ink, but Windows says there was an error sending to LPT1:. This is about all the information I have at the moment, but I would appreciate any ideas you have. obviously I already...
  5. fury

    Soft or hard?

    How do you like 'em? (I'll reveal the object of the question after a few people have had a chance to answer :D) I'm pretty much indifferent about it, so I'll say either soft or hard is ok for me. :smash:
  6. fury

    How do I make something start up with Linux?

    Kind of like RunServices starts things with Windows instead of after logging in, how do I make something (Genome) start up on boot in Linux instead of having to log in and manually start it? And after I get it to start up with Genome, how do I check on it, or will I just have to make sure...
  7. fury

    KDS VS-195i: Good monitor?

    I hear positive comments from some people who use that or the VS-190i, so I'm assuming the KDS VS-195i is pretty good. Anyone here have any comments on it before I dive into the order form?
  8. fury


    Sorry, I know I'm gonna get flamed for this, but... <-- Look at my post count :D :D :D :D :D (1337)
  9. fury

    1000 posts in L&C

    Keep em comin! :D <img width="300" height="260" src="">
  10. fury

    Good mobo for Celeron 566 @ 850?

    I know the mere phrase is an oxymoron, but for lack of a better one... anyways, I know I'm supposed to be the one to know this (being the mod) but I never really was that interested in the Socket 370 business. What would be a good board to host a Celeron 566 @ 850? The volt level and FSB...
  11. fury

    Netscape 4.78

    Despite the "SmartDownload" program not having been so smart and tried to take up 100% of my CPU time (can't have that! :smash: ) every now and then while downloading it, Netscape 4.78 so far is pretty cool :cool: I got fed up with IE and it screwing up a 25 meg download THREE TIMES. First...
  12. fury

    Stand Strong, America

    Don't let this horrible tragedy bring our lives to a halt. I was watching Smackdown tonight and what I saw was one of the most tremendous displays of patriotism and unity that I have ever seen. The owner of the WWF came out and gave a motivational speech strongly declaring that the Americans...
  13. fury

    Just reinstalled windows

    And it doesn't work! just kidding :lol: It works, and better than ever before, cause I used 98lite for the install. Starting up the computer (with the exception of the 30-45 second pause that the NIC causes for some reason) and browsing my drives is VERY fast...
  14. fury

    Lost the K6 233, but...

    gained $298! :smash: It was going to be $300, but I couldn't sell him a game that I knew didn't work. (see, I'm a nice guy!) With the money, I'm going to finally get a bigger monitor, probably going to get some more ram, and maybe a new sound card or heatsink/fan.
  15. fury

    15,000 posts!

    XiBase's 15000th post was made by flavio Break out the expensive booze! :smash:
  16. fury

    Call-me-nuts-but-I-like-it Seasoned Macaroni and Cheese

    Dunno where my mind is, but I felt like posting this anyway :wave: This is kind of a general/variable (no, not variabl3) recipe that I whipped up a few years ago when I was experimenting You will have to modify it to suit your tastes, if you dare :D Basically cook macaroni the way you...
  17. fury

    PC speaker 'clicks' 2-5 times @ every power on

    This has been happening for quite a while now and doesn't really bother me that much, but I was curious. My PC speaker "clicks" (quite the same way Windows 98 does when it wants to make the system beep) anywhere from 2 to 5 times (before the video card screen even comes up) every time the...
  18. fury

    No more ICQ

    OK, so I'm uninstalling ICQ, right? (by the way, this time it's for ****ing GOOD) (And yes, you read that correctly) LO AND BEHOLD IT CRASHED MY COMPUTER BEFORE FINISHING THE UNINSTALL! GOOD GOING, ICQ! Anyways, you can reach me through this board or the other usual venues, aka...
  19. fury

    Nice big air conditioning unit + flurffy's hardware = ...

    ...some damn happy hardware :D Got an air conditioning unit installed in this room. Hasn't even been but an hour or so and already my hardware temps are saying "Help! I've fallen and I can't get up!"
  20. fury

    What the frack is some people's problem with paying $20 for a service?

    Some guy whose computer I was nice enough to set up and remove Internet Explorer from, has just gone completely nuts over a $20 charge and has ripped me off and taken his computer with him. I have a signed contract, so I'm sure I will be the favored party in case the cops have to be involved...