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  1. fury

    Any of you Windows gurus got an explanation for this?

    Screenie of my side bar. Notice anything odd about the icons? This is after a reboot, btw, so don't blame it on low system resources
  2. fury

    XiBase IRC channel

    I was just wanting to let you guys who use IRC (for example, mIRC for Windows, or BitchX for Unix/Linux) know that I created a XiBase IRC channel on EnterTheGame, for general purpose use. For example, in case you have a question that you need answered faster than it would be answered on the...
  3. fury

    I love PHP

    Just wanted to let you know that I am in love with a programming language :D
  4. fury

    Not a lot of postage today

    Post, damn you, POST! If you can't think of anything to post, TOO BAD. Post something anyway. If you had a rather uneventful day today, SAY SO. Just because nothing happened doesn't mean you can't post about it. Bastitches... Hmm, speaking of stitches My brother went to the hospital...
  5. fury

    Is time travel possible?

    What do you think? And why? I think travelling forward in time is possible, because it's really pretty simple... Enter cryogenic stasis and leave a note for someone to hit defrost in however many years forward you want to go. If time travel backwards were possible, by the time you did it...
  6. fury

    What possesses them to do this?

    It's like my brothers take everything I say as the only thing that they have to listen to. I tell them not to go in one room and they go into another room EVEN IF I have previously told them NOT to. Take, for example, today I walked into my room to meet a $50 sound card and a bunch of my...
  7. fury

    Pizza Ramen Chips and Pepsi = Good

    Just thought I'd say that. Perfect combination.
  8. fury

    I don't understand how he survives this

    This annoyingly slow hard drive in dad's home computer... ugh *chiggety chigala churn churn churn chiggechiggechiggaligata chiggety churn churn chalunk chiggety churn-chig* goes on for at least 20 seconds whenever anything is opened takes 5 minutes to load Windows 98 sorry, just needed...
  9. fury

    Win2k + K6-2 400 + 128mb ram = Make way for the turtle

    Any caveats I should be aware of before I head into this? I thought I would probably ditch the main hard drive (1.86gb) in favor of installing it on the faster (and larger; about 8 gb partitioned into 2.0 and 5.9) secondary The reason for going Win2k is that dad needs to use a program that...
  10. fury

    This might be interesting

    Originally posted by Wintermute@Force3D: <hr> Man-beast hybrid beyond talking stage Human DNA in cow egg ^-- Man-beasts becoming a reality? tell me something I don't know...
  11. fury

    I'm gonna need to know... (Linux+98se networking question) to set up a Windows 98se comp to feed a Linux box the internet. I'm getting some ethernet cables tomorrow and I'm gonna hook my 2 boxes up to a hub with the T-bird (98se) having the connection to the internet and the Duron (linux) getting the connection to the internet from the modem...
  12. fury

    What would you say is your ballsiest move in overclocking your PC?

    I'd have to say cranking my T-bird 1200 up to 1400 on a chrome orb was, and still is my ballsiest move in overclocking. Nothing I've ever done tops that. That chrome orb is currently servicing a Duron 700 at 1000, but it doesn't generate as much heat.
  13. fury

    How many times have you cooked, fried, crushed, crumbled, etc. your CPU?

    Me? Hrmm... Gee, can't count that high :eek: But I'll try One of them (Duron) - Cooked about 6 times, and the corners are a bit worn down from repetitive heatsink seating/removing. Never crushed it. It's been through one lightning strike. Another (T-bird) - Cooked once, cracked once...
  14. fury

    How YOU doin?

    Well? How.. You... A-DOIN?!
  15. fury

    Cross-forum post, need advice soon

    I don't make cross-forum posts a lot but this time I need replies from as many people that know anything about them.
  16. fury

    What is the best mouse?

    I've been using my Logitech Optical Wheelmouse USB for a while now, and it's a good mouse, but then again my last one was a compaq 2-mouse piece of crap. There's gotta be some more options out there What does everyone here like? For gaming, Windowing, etc etc, just any kind of a mouse...
  17. fury

    I thought some of you might like to read this

    To: YOU Date: TODAY From: THE BOSS Subject: YOURSELF Reference: LIFE I am God. Today I will be handling all of your problems. Please remember that I do not need your help. If life happens to deliver a situation to you that you cannot handle, do not attempt to resolve it. Kindly put...
  18. fury

    Name that (movie) quote

    It's simple, just name the person (either character or real life name, either is acceptable) and the movie. "Whoa." This should be a fairly easy one. The first one to get it right lists a new quote for someone else to name. Have at it :wave:
  19. fury

    Attack of the 150 pixel smilies!

    Run for your lives!
  20. fury

    Wake up and smell the coffee!

    I'm going to bed. :retard: Yes, this was yet another useless post brought to you by Flurffmeister, the Ladies man­®