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  1. fury

    Happy Birthday, Texashoney!

    <marquee behavior="alternate">:wave::D:spin: Happy Birthday! :spin::D:wave:</marquee>
  2. fury

    Cup Noodles.

    Put a coffee mug full of water in microwave and set on high for 3 minutes. While it's heating, remove cup from box. Peel off plastic wrapping. Pull the paper lid back half-way. Take coffee mug out of microwave when it is at sufficient boiling temperature. Pour water in cup and sit a fork on the...
  3. fury

    I remember when...

    when the future was predicted to have inexpensive, good voice recognition, massively powerful (we're talking instantaneous calculations and even consciousness! :eek: ) computers, and HOVERCARS. Well, we're here in the future... so where's our voice recognition, massively powerful computers...
  4. fury

    Are you man enough to accept the challenge?

    The challenge being STOPPING the slacking and STARTING to stomp some borg drones. :smash: Thread here Come on, I know we can compete with those Donut Punchers!
  5. fury

    One word post

    There hasn't been a post for a while here.. pick your heads up off the desk and get in here! The rule of the thread is as follows: 1) One word per post. Basically what we're doing is creating a whatever-the-hell-comes-out-of-it from the one word posts this thread will get. I'll...
  6. fury

    Let's hear it

    What do you sound like? me (178kb WAV file) :D
  7. fury


    I found this lingering around on my other hard drive so I thought I might start up on it again, revising the chapters for corrections or additional details of course. Title: Legend of Zelda: Bond of Spirit ------------- Prologue ------------- It had been 4 years since Link's last...
  8. fury

    Spits or swallows?

    You know, do you spit or swallow? I grab the nearest McDonalds cup (there is always at least one in this room) and spit it out... who knows what kind of crap managed to sneak its way up there Loogies, you fool, not jizm! :D So what is it baby? Is it spits or swallows?
  9. fury

    First impressions of Linux Redhat Installation

    Well, I superglued the clip latches back on the socket, and was able to restore the Duron to working condition. Now's my opportunity to install Linux. Since I haven't gotten any further than the installation yet, I figured I'd give my first impressions on that so far. Pretty good. The...
  10. fury

    Flourescent Multi-layer media technology - 100 gigs on CD-sized discs

    Check this stuff out! CD-sized (120mm) discs holding up to 20-100 gigabytes of data with transfer speeds of up to 1 gigabit per second, credit-card sized media with 50mm discs holding up to 5 gigabytes... I wonder when it will be ready for mass production :eek...
  11. fury

    The fight is on! OCN Hellspawns vs. Donut Punchers Collective!

    S.S. Hellspawn attacks the Borg Cube (90kb pic inside that thread) Anyone not already genoming for another team or on another DC project altogether, fire up all your reserves! (if you aren't on the OCN team already, be sure to add XiBase somewhere in your name so we can tell who's from where)
  12. fury

    10000 posts!

    Here's to the next 10000 :beerchug:
  13. fury

    My god, is this guy SERIOUS?!;sid=2001/8/5/172749/2140 sorry, fixed
  14. fury

    Roll call!
