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  1. Professur

    Mitsubishi Mirage prob #2

    Luckily, I just happen to have a spare alt that I scavenged from my previous Mirage. Unluckily, it was at the cottage, so I had to wait until today to get it. Tomorrow I'll install it and confirm all your suspicions. But any ideas why the brake light came on too?
  2. Professur

    Unlike Elvis...

    Tell 'em you blame it on reporters. That should back 'em off a little.
  3. Professur


    Sorry, I'm already taken.:D
  4. Professur

    Mitsubishi Mirage prob #2

    Well, whatever it is, it just became terminal. As I was driving home tonight, I noticed the tacho starting to jump. Then I noticed that the clock was getting dimmer. True to form, she got me into my driveway before she gave up. God I love that car. anyone wanna take bets on it being the Alt?
  5. Professur


    chest hair?
  6. Professur

    I'm Proposing Day After Tomorrow™

    What are you gonna do if she says 'No"?
  7. Professur

    Early AM work

    It's OK, they've don't have one in Toronto. They stop everything at midnight, and don't let anything happen until 6AM. You're safe.:D
  8. Professur

    Your boss.

    Well that was easy. Thanks. See. I've always said it's better to know others who know the answer than to try and know it all yourself.
  9. Professur

    Early AM work

    You can't outlaw 4 am. That's my bedtime.
  10. Professur

    Your boss.

    Hey, maybe someone here would know. My cousin wants to come to Canada to work but he can't find the correct term for what he does. In Britain, he's called a plastics engineer. He does injection and vacumm plastic molding. He has tried most of the online job agencies, but can't find anything...
  11. Professur

    Your boss.

    Almost all my bosses have been like that. I just recently lost one of the best, to internal politics.
  12. Professur

    Pizza Ramen Chips and Pepsi = Good

    Noone diabetic would be eating that.
  13. Professur

    original food fight thread

    *looks around wondering who's the open target for a haggis'n*
  14. Professur

    Name that (movie) quote

    I knew there was aircraft and humour in it. May the forks be with us!
  15. Professur

    Alright, this is stupid and painful...

    Speak for yourself.
  16. Professur

    Name that (movie) quote

    Airplane II, then.
  17. Professur

    Name that (movie) quote

    Hot Shots part Deux?
  18. Professur

    Alright, this is stupid and painful...

    14.5" clear space, 1.5" solid lumber. Yer playing russian roulette with your favorite date there, chum.
  19. Professur

    Mitsubishi Mirage prob #2

    This morning the brake and battery dash lights came on at about half power. They stay on all the time, and brighten slightly if I brake or pull the hand brake. Any Ideas?
  20. Professur

    What is the best mouse?

    I'm using a Cirque GlidePoint. I'll never give it up.