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  1. Professur

    love the long weekend

    Yeah, but we get St-jean Baptist. and since it's the week before Canada day, you can plan your vacation and get nearly three weeks off and only use up two weeks vacation time.
  2. Professur

    love the long weekend

    What long weekend?
  3. Professur


    I'm sorry, but I have to say it. Q, you're just worrying about neffing. Neffing at all.
  4. Professur

    Heres one for Pradeep

    That's just evolution for ya. They kill off the weak and the stupid. Or at least reduce their breeding.
  5. Professur

    for the PROF "Braised Caribou "

    Sure beats the last one I had: Caribou steak Start fire Let it burn until you have a good bed of coals hack 1-3 lbs of meat off the caribou haunch toss on coals Brush more coals over the top cook for 7-10 mins Brush off and enjoy. Takes a lot of beer to eat a steak like that...
  6. Professur

    Anyone care to join me for a cocktail....

    Sounds like one of my old girlfriends
  7. Professur

    Happy Birthday Toolbox

    Only if you've been partying right. Some weenies don't get to that stage until they're 50 or 60. What kind of life it that?
  8. Professur

    Primavera Salad

    Neo: That's not food, that's what food eats. Now be serious and post me a good roast caribou recipe. Hunt'n season ain't far away.
  9. Professur

    O PC Canada

    Just so long as there isn't a muff-flavoured version. We all have to eat enough of that as is.:p
  10. Professur

    O PC Canada

    You keep that up, and I'll be down there for dinner.:D
  11. Professur

    *Caption the mood people*

    Damn, I need to get new glasses. I was sure that tube said KY, and not Krazy glue.
  12. Professur

    O PC Canada

    It'll be something like steak-and-liver. After all, it'll be women preparing it.
  13. Professur

    Give a warm XI welcome....

    Doesn't look cold blue to me.
  14. Professur

    Pan-Fried Oysters

    Snails, in light garlic butter. Yum.
  15. Professur

    The Lizard Man

    I'd recommend this guy for having to carry around a sign saying " I'm an idiot", but he's already doing it " in his own special, individual way" :D
  16. Professur

    O PC Canada

    Jeez, Gonz, read a history book, willya. Canada NEVER fought for it's freedom. It still recognises the power of the throne.
  17. Professur


    Mint chip
  18. Professur


  19. Professur

    Give a warm XI welcome....

    We're all happy and well adjusted here. At least, that's what the voices tell us.