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  1. Professur

    Pan-Fried Oysters

    Snails? mussels?
  2. Professur

    *Yawning*...Is it contagious?

    That, and of course, the rest of us aren't really enamoured of your tonsils.
  3. Professur

    Should I stay or should I go now....

    Live life to it's fullest. Take big bites. Moderation is for monks.
  4. Professur

    Pan-Fried Oysters

    How about fried clams?
  5. Professur

    Who can run DC for XiBase?

    Naw. Just an easy way to get three weeks off work.
  6. Professur

    The Lizard Man

    Yeah, saw him on TV. Whatta dork.
  7. Professur

    Pictures PLEASE

    ROFL. Honestly, you'd never know. My wife looks more like my mother's kid than I do. People at our church assumed for years that I was the odd one out. You should have seen the reactions when, at our wedding, Mum sat on my side.:D But then, my Mum, and my Mum-in-law could pass for sisters.
  8. Professur

    Pictures PLEASE

    Actually, they did install a CC system. But after a short tete a tete with the directors, they agreed to move the camera to a position which conceals my desk. My offer to reposition it with a 8# maul may have had something to do with their agreeing so quickly. And please don't ask why a...
  9. Professur

    O PC Canada

    It was.
  10. Professur

    Pictures PLEASE

    But I will offer up Prof 2.0 Eat your hearts out. She's all mine.
  11. Professur

    Pictures PLEASE

    No-one's ever taken a photo of me. At least, not since high school. Something about having the camera driven back into their faces, or something like that.
  12. Professur

    Pictures PLEASE

  13. Professur

    O PC Canada

    More ****ing idiots with nothing better to do with their time. I say we round 'em up and make them clean up the highways or summat like that.
  14. Professur

    What an awesome job..

    Y'know, it would only take a few beers to change her back:D
  15. Professur

    Pictures PLEASE

    AAAAAhhhh!!! My eyes. My beautiful eyes.!!!:scared:
  16. Professur

    I think I found my new commute car

    I'd find out what that sudder was before I put any bucks out. It might just be the read tire is out of round (happened to me once). Or it might be the entire rear truck is out of alignment. Or (as on my present ride) the rear shock mount could be rusted away.
  17. Professur

    Anyone care to join me for a cocktail....

    Why on earth would I mind having an attractive young lady squeeze in beside me? Espescially when I just had a hummer.:D
  18. Professur

    Whacked story of the night

    Hey! Get a room, you two.
  19. Professur


    :eek2: That's just not right.