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  1. Professur


    Ouch. I hear that really hurts. Um. You mentionned three body parts. Both implies two. Which is it? And you said 6 holes in your ears. Is that six each, or three pairs? Either way :eek:
  2. Professur

    i'm learning

    Yeah. You just can't do that like you could with the old ones. When today's cars and trucks fail, they tend to fail all at once. You lose the altenator, a front axle, the gas tank, a ball joint, all within weeks of one another. Even using scrap parts today is a big gamble. I won't accept one...
  3. Professur

    Post Images Of The Hottest Women You Can Find™

    Hey, Trinity:D So how is Mom these days:D
  4. Professur

    Ugh! I'm Blue!

    Whenever I get a little down, I break out the old music and lights. A little Deep Purple in a dark room lit only by a plasma lamp will take you right to the bottom. After a couple of hours of that (and about 6 beers) you're ready to face the world again.
  5. Professur

    Post Images Of The Hottest Women You Can Find™

    I haven't seen that many red X's since my last history exam.
  6. Professur


    Damnit man, how much did all that cost?:eek:
  7. Professur

    HAPPY 21ST Princess

    Possibly due to shock. My daughter's birthday was last week, and I know I sat around in a daze most of the day trying desperately to remember five years having gone by, and I couldn't do it. Trying to deal with the 21 years since giving birth to you may have been more than she could deal with.
  8. Professur

    Moderator welcoming committee

    I would, but it's way too early for me to get excited about it. I'll try again later.
  9. Professur

    They're not just for dinner anymore

    And what about mine? *sniff*:cry:
  10. Professur

    To pierce or not to pierce?

    I saw a magnetic earing set when I was last in Niagara. Haven't seen them anywhere since, but it might be worth looking for.
  11. Professur

    To pierce or not to pierce?

    Most people would have learned from the first one.
  12. Professur

    My mugshot for the gallery

    Damn straight. There's no excuse for stopping drinking on Sunday because you have to run out and get more. If you can't make sure you've got enough on Friday, you don't deserve any more. And shame on you.
  13. Professur

    To pierce or not to pierce?

    One question I'd ask you to ask yourself is 'Why would you want to do that?" Lots of people lie to themselves about why they do things. They'll say they want to do it to enhance their looks. They'll say they want to express themselves. They'll say they want to rebel. But most of the time...
  14. Professur

    They're not just for dinner anymore

    I think this beats yours hands down.
  15. Professur

    If you get a chance to fight somebody and win

    Too much work. Besides, they won't let me take in a 2x4.