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  1. Professur

    squooshy keyboard

    I'm still using my old, old IBM keyboard. Heavy clicking keys, and I love it.
  2. Professur

    I'm gonna need to know... (Linux+98se networking question)

    I leave all the ports on my hubs standard, and use yellow x-over cables for cascades. Makes my life a lot easier.
  3. Professur

    Xmen vs. Streetfighter online flash game

    Just so long as you had fun.
  4. Professur

    How much are you willing to spend on cooling?

    Not when I'm done with them, you can't.
  5. Professur

    Commander Cody and his Lost Planet Airmen

    You need a link to a .wav or a .mp3 to make it complete.
  6. Professur

    Pizza Ramen Chips and Pepsi = Good

    I actually had a wide-load chick in front of me at McDonalds order a double BigMac combo, with a diet coke. I laughed so hard I had to leave the place. I was making a scene, as the manager put it.
  7. Professur

    Air Canada Center Cam

    I'd rather watch the penguins
  8. Professur


    Hey, I think three weeks driving her around the maritimes hauling that freaking trailer was pretty damn good. I never used the tent once. And I only asked her to drive once the whole dang trip. And I even went into the ocean (5ºC) with her twice. I babysat while she chatted with the woman in the...
  9. Professur

    so...what is your favorite smell

    Only if he's lucky.
  10. Professur

    This might be interesting

    That would hurt.
  11. Professur

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    There is nothing to fear, but Fear himself. And here he is. :scared: :scared: :scared:
  12. Professur


    Um ... how can I put this delicately. The missus has reached a certain hormonal stage that has resulted is a sudden radical personality change. The last thing she wants is me picking up around the house. She'd take that as me saying that she's not doing a good job of looking after the house...
  13. Professur


    :cry: :eek2: :cry2: :banghead:
  14. Professur

    Advice Please

    And your boyfriend just stands there with his thumb up his ass? Tell him that this a-hole is annoying you and let the b-friend take care of it. That's what men are for, didn't you know?
  15. Professur

    Neo is in the hospital

    Ain't no such animal.
  16. Professur

    so...what is your favorite smell

    It's a toss up between a freshly cracked brew, or a freshly brewed crack.
  17. Professur

    What possesses them to do this?

    Or you could just sell them. Get a nice korean family to take them off your hands. You get peace and quite, they get extra farm hands. Everybody's happy.
  18. Professur


    I took a three week sabatical to the far east. I'm sure I mentioned it before I left. As for V3.0, he/she is making Mummy's life a living hell. Apparently V2.0 didn't kick any where near as much, or as low as V3.0. And he/she doesn't sleep for long at night either. The next three months are...
  19. Professur

    Neo is in the hospital

    Frig. This is just what I wanna read coming back from vacation. Lay off the friggin cheeseburgers already!!! And get the **** better already.