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  1. Professur

    I'm leaving

    While you're in town, go to Wanda's. Trust me:D
  2. Professur

    The Tree Read innnn.....

    No, you made me think. Now I gotta send Mum another dozen roses for not having drowned me at birth. That's three dozen this week alone.
  3. Professur

    The Tree Read innnn.....

    You prick.
  4. Professur

    Air Canada Center Cam

    They're making ice now.
  5. Professur

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    Saddle up and post, already.
  6. Professur

    At least the Israelis & Paletinians don't attck children

    I have 2nd cousins less than ten miles from there. The scary thing is that we're not talking about a third world country. We're not even talking about a different God. They all read from the same Bible at church. This is politics, nothing more. I say find the bastards responsible, and...
  7. Professur

    Oil Changes by Gender....

    Whoop-de-doo. Ya wanna impress me, change MY oil.:p
  8. Professur

    Me and my monster

    So, what were you in the Bay for? and do you usually take a camera into the stores with you?
  9. Professur

    Oil Changes by Gender....

    Fuse, the only thing I'll let Canadian Tyrant do is mount my tires. And even then, I'll watch them. The last time I was in having tires mounted, the bay next over was doing an oil change. It was a Civic, sport something-or-other. The guy wasn't getting bulk oil, he'd paid extra for the good...
  10. Professur

    Do you believe in fate?

    I believe in fate. I just don't believe it has total control. If you're fated to do something, or meet someone, you'll do it, eventually. But, you'll be the one who controls the when and how.
  11. Professur

    OH NOOO!!!

    Well, if you won't post a pic, at least describe it. Is it a classic, white plastic model, or a pink latex, phallus shaped, bead-filled, quad rotational hummer? 5", 7", 9" ... 12" :eek2:, 18" :scared: ! Are we talking a 2AA model, 2C, 2D :eek: or one of those 110V plug in beasts. :spin...
  12. Professur

    My brakes grind like hell

    Many mechanics, espescially brake shops bend the wear indicator out of the way when they do a brake job and never bother to put it back.
  13. Professur

    HP & Compaq

    15,000 layoffs. That'll help the economy.
  14. Professur

    OH NOOO!!!

    You forgot to ask for pixs, Vic.
  15. Professur

    Not a lot of postage today

    So ya using steel or tungsten? Or do they still let ya use lead down there?
  16. Professur

    OH NOOO!!!

    ROFL. I feel for ya. But any hope of a pix of the little guy?:D
  17. Professur

    Labor Day

    *cracks open a Moosehead* Who the frig's he talking aboot?
  18. Professur

    Mitsubishi Mirage prob #2

    Vic, with all due respect, I'd trust a politician more than the average mechanic. The only time I ever take my car in to a shop is when I either don't have the tools to do it myself, or I am totally at a loss as to the problem. And I always stay with the car. The last time I left a car at a...