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  1. Professur

    Clean insides..............

    That's a joke, right? I've got friggin dust-kangaroos in my case.
  2. Professur

    For all you gun enthusiasts

    I can live with that.
  3. Professur

    Wank like a man, talk like a man

    Seven years last Monday. Boy am I tired.
  4. Professur

    Check in!

    I'll take a suite, please. Something with a view of the beach.
  5. Professur

    I'm going to grow a mullet

    I think I speak only for myself when I ask, "What the frig is a mullet?"
  6. Professur

    Wank like a man, talk like a man

    Off weeks? Oh, you must mean ragtime? Well, she's preggers, so I haven't had an off week in a while. But to answer your question... Recover.
  7. Professur

    Wank like a man, talk like a man

    Wow. I'm impressed. When I'm done with the wife, I'm done. I'm ususally lucky to be able to walk to the can after. You guys are still wanking?
  8. Professur

    Wank like a man, talk like a man

    Nope, I'm married.
  9. Professur

    Opinions on this..

    Actually, that specific comment was directed at your judicial system. Any american can be called to jury duty. And in many states, that may involve a murder trial with a possible death sentence. And I think your pledge of alligence makes certain demands on citizens to defend your country. Not...
  10. Professur

    Opinions on this..

    Sorry, sunshine, but you're an american. Not only is it your place, it's your duty. America (correct me if I'm wrong) is about equality. Every man, woman and child has the same rights as every other person. That you don't feel important means nothing. If you get drafted, are you gonna...
  11. Professur

    Opinions on this..

    Look at the other possibilities. If you hit the military base, you loose trained warriors and your retalitory strike. Daycare, you loose your future. Highschool, same thing. Subway station, you loose your transport infrastructure. The stadium might lose you some of all of the above, but your...
  12. Professur

    Opinions on this..

    We agree on that. But, let's say for the sake of argument that you have to pick one of the two for anialation. Which one ya gonna pick. Or better yet, let's add some more options. Let's add a high school, a subway station, and a military base. Which one ya gonna pick to get wiped out?
  13. Professur

    Opinions on this..

    Fluffy, back it up a bit and read what I said this time. Can you say flamebait. You may have heard me quote George Carlin before "If you look at how dumb the average person is, half of them are dumber than him". How is this any different? Sooner or later, people will have to gather...
  14. Professur

    Opinions on this..

    You see. This is what I was afraid of. I don't equate enjoying watching sports with being a sport's fan. My view of sport's fans comes from Scotish and English soccer. And I come from a city with two rival teams. Teams who's fans have to be separated with concrete walls. Teams who's fans can't...
  15. Professur

    Opinions on this..

    *readies his fireproof suit* I gotta tell ya, and this is not intended to offend anyone, but I find the average sports fan to be just about the lowest life form available. If you're gonna set up a venue to be targetted, I can't think of a better crowd to fill it with. Except pro wrestling...
  16. Professur

    why palestenians throw rocks

    Doncha just hate it when that happens:D
  17. Professur

    NCCI pulls workers' flags

    And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why you don't piss off Q
  18. Professur

    Price gougers. What did your city do?

    The price of gas shot up $.10 a litre today, but I don't think that's anything to do with the attacks. They're just a-holes up here.
  19. Professur

    NCCI pulls workers' flags

    We have a new winner in the "most in need of an enema" contest.
  20. Professur

    Lives that were lost...

    That might be a reason. But I think the real reason is that this time, they just plain went too far.