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  1. Professur

    My car died

    Same thing happened to the wife's minivan. Got a solid *clack* from the solnoid, but no turnover. I thought the started had gone south, but it started fine when I, on a hunch, tested with my boosterpak. Picked up a new one at Sears (DieHard Gold) for $109 installed. Not bad considering that you...
  2. Professur

    Rebuild WTC to an even bigger building

    You just keep telling yourself that;)
  3. Professur

    Get your butts in here!

    *Clack* No that's not right. *Cluck* Nope, wrong again. *click*Ah, there we go.
  4. Professur

    Stand Strong, America

    Bradshaw just said it all, didn't he? He must have tripled his t-shirt sales overnight.
  5. Professur

    The Good Neighbor, Canadian news article

    Once again, I correct: that statement was mistakenly attributed to Gord Sinclair. but it was actually said by his father.
  6. Professur


    As for sprinklers, someone else can work out the specifics, but imagine the weight of a column of water 1000 ft high. Imagine the size of the pipes you'd need to contain that much pressure. Imagine the power of the pumps you'd need to push that weight of water up that high at a rate sufficient...
  7. Professur

    Crime and Punishment

    We all saw the crime. Let's hear what punishment you'd inflict. Let's get it all outta your systems.
  8. Professur


    Not to be crass, but Huge, your view of the skyline just improved. And again, not to be crass, but this is the US's chance to regain the title to the tallest building again. Or do you think that the site of the WTC will become a memorial park?
  9. Professur

    Barry Bonds hits 3 today

    With all these cancellations, he'll never make it.
  10. Professur

    Usama bin Laden

    Jesus Christ. They're still pissed about the Crusades? Get over it, already. Or maybe we'll start another one. Any knights out there wanna kick some ass?
  11. Professur


    Your building's gone???
  12. Professur

    The darkest day in US history

    Might I suggest peeling and boiling oil?
  13. Professur

    They know who it was

    Now, we break out the thumb screws.
  14. Professur

    Terrorist Warning

    *cough*Jesus Christ*cough*
  15. Professur

    Terrorist Warning

    Easy, GonZ. Remember, the last major bombing in the US was by US citizens. But once they do find out who's responsible, I'm breaking out the hardware and joining you in going mideval on their collective asses.
  16. Professur

    I missed it

    It's cheaper to change that way.
  17. Professur

    Does Anyone Here Speak Italian™

    I hope not. The last thing you ever want to do is be one up on your wife. Unless you like eating you supper cold and sleeping in the garage.
  18. Professur

    kickbutt boats

    What were the odds:D
  19. Professur

    My brakes grind like hell

    I don't blame you for being tired of getting a bum rap. And as for the "well it worked before..." I get that too. But you have to agree that not all garages live up to your standard. How is the average joe like me gonna know if he's got an honest mechanic, a con artist, or a total yutz? Three...