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  1. Q

    Escapades of a backyard mechanic

    Check the CV joints
  2. Q

    I'm lame...

    You put that in fair :lurk:....why I oughta.... *three stooges slap fest*
  3. Q

    Is anyone seriously stupid enough to think the Super Bowl was fixed?

    So, I'm just wondering who has the power to fix a super bowl and is a Patriots fan.....and the more important question is: did the money they won go in the victims assistance fund, or was it for person gain. There are always ulterior motives. They mighta schmoozed (ok, used rhetoric, in...
  4. Q

    I'm lame...

    Watch who you're calling a lameass retard there, buckaroo. :whip: Also, I try not to make a habit of being nice. :evillaff: ...see? *SMACK* *SMACK* *SMACK*
  5. Q

    Hi. My name is Gonzo & I'm addicted to...

    Jeez Gonz, did you actually read all that shit SL wrote? He won't fully understand your line of thinking for a few years anyway. He has not had the pleasure :rolleyes: of sending in his own hard earned money to a greedy money grubbing monopolistic utility company. month after month, year after...
  6. Q


    Hey, you can't put that reply on every thread now.:smash: :spin: p.s. in the case of Australia (and it's current location) it might mean Read The Fvcking Map :D
  7. Q

    Damn Aussies!

    :D:D:D Officials on both sides of the Atlantic conceded that would be difficult. "They broke Florida," said U.S. State Department spokesman Richard Boucher. "And most of Latin America is missing." Jeez, what a buncha least they're still on the map.:scared:
  8. Q

    Hey PsychoMark

    WHOA!!! fury's gonna flip out when he sees that! :eek: and it doesn't have anything to do with pretzels, most likely his mom sniffed glue when she was spawning.
  9. Q

    original food fight thread

    Poor PsychoMark, we left him out. *wails some goobers and rasinettes at Psycho* :D
  10. Q

    3000 threads, 30000 posts!

    I wouldn't care for any toast. May I have a blueberry muffin instead?
  11. Q

    Hey PsychoMark

    Yep. I'm pretty sure it's due to damaged DNA. :retard:
  12. Q

    Hey PsychoMark

    I know, but it's not my fault Hinton is a dickhead. He is...really.
  13. Q

    Hey PsychoMark

    Yeah and I've decided to blame the hacking thing on Hinton. Nobody likes him anyway.:retard:
  14. Q

    Ok, where the hell is Fuser?

    *sigh* I am familiar with the search function. I just wanted you to do it for me. I am beside myself with grief over Fusers abandonment, ya know.:cry2:
  15. Q

    Hey PsychoMark

    Ok, this is just too weird. I started a thread to ask for help to get rid of the code from hell sig and that post had no sig at all, but the other two posts I made still have all the code. I think I'll act all mad and say somebody musta hacked my profile :D
  16. Q

    Ok, where the hell is Fuser?

    *gasp* I missed it.......gimme linkage.
  17. Q

    Hey PsychoMark

    Oh's real funny, cuz it happened to me.:banghead: :D
  18. Q

    Hey PsychoMark

    ACK! now I got about 50 lines of code for my sig over there and I can't get it out of my profile.:scared:
  19. Q

    Hey PsychoMark

    Yeah, I noticed that thing. I kinda like loud colors. They suit me....don't you think? :D Hey guess what? This won't work on UBB. I tried to put my new coolie sig at OCN, but it just came out a buncha code. :(
  20. Q

    Hey PsychoMark

    And thank-you very much.:kiss: