BTW, Utilities are legal monopolies because it'd be awfully hard to have multiple sets of pipes, wires, gas lines, cables, etc. all over the place, then it'd probably look like fury's room. The best way to stop them from acting like a monopoly is through the government and various organizations, such as a Citizen's Utility Board.
Actually, I don't have many complaints about the power company here, Commonwealth Edison. The longest power outage I've ever personally known was a year and a half ago during the summer when it was extremely moist, hot, rainy, windy, and loud. It was about a quarter to 5, so I'd only been working for 45 minutes into my shift when lightning strikes the power lines next to the building. Obviously, everything went out, and the lines went up in flames after being struck. After the fire was put out (it took them two trips) and we got all of the customers out, we tried everything to contact the power company about it, and they reported that it would take at least 8 hours to repair due to all sorts of damaged lines (including the one next to the building laying in the street, the fire trucks had to stick around to barricade the area) from the severe storm. We just faced the store in the emergency lights, and I left work at 6:45, my shortest day ever. The manager and another employee stuck around to guard the store (no electricity means no security system) and later they called the nearest Walgreens closest to ours to tell them about the store's situation and that they would bring all the ice cream and frozen foods they could fit in their cars over there. The next day I went into work 2 hours early thinking that they might need a little more help than normal, and I was right, and they were glad to give me the overtime then. Everything in the store had to be re-setup, the registers weren't connected to the system regularly, we'd have to phone in credit card approvals, and the ATM lines were completely down. It was a mess. It also fried the main computer's network card which made the registers go offline at odd times, we had crews going in and out all day long fixing everything. Now we have a brand new store and are protected from these things happening again (except the ice cream melting). That was defintiely not the power company's fault, and they coordinated with the store very well in getting all the repairs done, which included switching us to other transformers for a while and stuff like that.
The next power outage the store had, we were out for a few hours, and after the power was restored, everything worked as normal. In fact, we even got out early that night.
You see, Gonzo, once again (just like your fixed Super Bowl theory), you're wrong.

We got struck by lightning, and we didn't get electricity. You'd make a good meal for a hungry bird, though.
Mmm, flash fried Gonzo...
Also, I know this family with a terminally ill little girl on a respirator, and no matter how much they owe in utilities, they can never shut them off for not paying.
My least favorite utility is the phone company, I'll rant about them later...