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  1. Q

    What are your thoughts?

  2. Q

    Does anybody know what time it is?

    Posty, setting my clocks to Pacific time would be a really bad idea. I would get to work 3 hours late everyday. I don't think the ol' " I accidentally set my clocks to Pacific time" excuse would fly either.:retard: ...and flurf, what makes you so sure the board has the right time? This...
  3. Q

    World's oldest documented koala dies at 19

    Awwww :cry: I love koalas. Elephants die the same way. When their teeth get too worn out, they can't eat anymore and they starve to death. What a horrible way for any creature to die.
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    Does anybody know what time it is?

    Every single clock in my house is different. Wall clock: 7:50 Microwave: 7:57 Computer1: 7:58 Computer2: 7:52 Alarm clock: 7:56 Cell phone:7:55 Reg. phone: 7:54 Wonder if any of them are right? What is the correct time?
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    Table manners

    1.) None that seem strange to me 2.)No 3.)I tend to let corn and potatoes mingle 4.)Table if I'm watching TV, desk if I'm on the computer 5.)Never, but I have gotten carried away enough to chomp my tongue a few times. :cry: I also eat left handed....and on a similar note, I wear my watch...
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    The way a President like Clinton should be remembered.

    Yeah. me too. I'd say he's not even worth the quarter. :rolleyes:
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    I got one of these

    My batteries last alot longer than a month. I get those new kinda duracells, M3's.
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    I got one of these

    I have a thumbwheel. I would never consider purchacing a mouse that didn't turbo scroll. Life's too short to be wasting it on some peoples mindless drivel. :D
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    You need to learn to cussing in a foreign language?

    I learned how to swear in German, just to piss this one bartender off at a German restaurant I worked at. :D
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    Ohio Highway Patrol Sux

    :wave: I'll be a character witness! :D
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    Ohio Highway Patrol Sux

    Can you fight the ticket? Is there anyway to prove you weren't at the location they claim to have clocked you at? I read where VASCAR isn't all that accurate. It's been a few years, but Car and Driver did an article about RADAR and VASCAR, VASCAR clocked a house at 65mph....the house was...
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    Asking for a little input here

    Why were you showing them your ass?? :D
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    Why do you come to XIBASE?

    Iit's a pirate site. You have to bring your own cushions and popcorn or you're SOL :D
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    original food fight thread

    *drops a large Subzero® refridgerator full of food on SL* ...there, happy? :evillaff:
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    heading for SuperBowl XXXVI

    My post was a joke too :retard: perhaps I should have said a couple million posts instead of a couple thousand to really ram that sarcasm home. :p
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    Asking for a little input here

    I would definately like to know when it's necessary to flash the bios as opposed to doing it for "fun" (good one shadow):thup:
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    OMG! my one and only puter is coming unglued

    That machine has plenty of RAM. The one I'm on now only has 128MB. I could however, put some of the RAM from that machine in this machine and upgrade the other one. Would it just be simpler to just stick a small HDD in one of the machines dedicated to Linux? Kinda sounds like that might...
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    OMG! my one and only puter is coming unglued

    Ok What will happen? Will they fight? What if I get a smaller HDD and put Linux on that?
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    Where do I sign up?

    That is disgusting. I am truely miserable if I eat just a little too much. And 16 1/4 matzo balls is just vile...hell, any matzo balls at all is just vile.:sick:
  20. Q

    Let's see...

    Don't fret Hugey....if he gets out on bail he will get clobbered by free citizens and if he stays in jail he'll get clobbered by incarcerated citizens.