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  1. Q

    Hi. My name is Gonzo & I'm addicted to...

    UTILITY COMPANIES SUCK! no two ways about it....they are money grubbing monopolies (which I was under the impression since about 7th grade were illegal) I've been known to chase down a Florida Power & Light truck, but the bonehead told me to buy a generator. :cuss:
  2. Q

    original food fight thread

    eiwwwwwwwwwwww.....mullets are disgusting, do you have those little scum suckers over there too? You must pay for touching me with a mullet :whip: *dumps week old scalloped potatoes and ham on dnar*
  3. Q

    original food fight thread

    Bricks have no place in a food fight. *flings mushy oatmeal and snotty sunny side up eggs at dnar* ...take that. :D
  4. Q

    original food fight thread

    *opens big fat yap and intercepts bloody t-bone* mmmmmmmmmm *spits out bone at Acid*
  5. Q

    People on the Internet are lame

    *passes out Midols® to the boys*
  6. Q

    Super Bowl ads

    See? That's why my money's on the Clydesdales. Them are some jumbo jumbo horseys. I would not recommend trying to put one in a porta-potty.
  7. Q

    I'm lame...

    *sigh* So? You are good and decent...that's why you have so many friends here. Just as water seeks it's own level..good and decent people seek their own kind. I can tell a good person from a bullshitter in a minute and I think the majority of the people who frequent this site can too...
  8. Q

    I'm lame...

    *smacks s4* were not chosen to be a mod to set an example, or to change your posting style. You were chosen because we liked your regular ol' posting style you've been using all along. You were never expected to censor yourself, quite the contrary. :eh:
  9. Q

    Happy Birthday GONZO

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY GONZ!!!! ...I hope it's a great one. :beerchug::love:
  10. Q

    Hello Peeps!

    Relax and get better BD.......and smile, ok?:)
  11. Q

    Pizza Hut - P'Zones

    Pizza Hut used to be my favorite. They absolutely have the best crust....but then they started using red onions.:lurk: which are just great RAW....but they blow cooked. I've been mad about this for about two years and I'm still boycotting.
  12. Q

    Super Bowl ads

    Will the robots and the Clydesdales and Dale Earnheart and whoever the hell Cedric is all be battling each other? This I wanna see. My money's on the Clydesdales. :D
  13. Q

    What's your porn name?

    :D ....yup, Jonny Longwad is way better. Anthony Glen-Iris sounds like an FTD flower arrangement.:laugh:
  14. Q

    Ice Storm

    Not true. After I get my purple item you are sending me, I can put the camera software on that machine. Then you will see some pics :p