Search results

  1. Q

    Satellite images show London is sinking

    Florida's going in the drink too. But something tells me I'll have a shitload of karma by the time that happens. :D
  2. Q

    Anyone speak Spanish? (Not for Work)

    ¡No commento! :D
  3. Q

    Question about HardwareCentral (HWC)?

    I think most of us are recovering HWC addicts. :D Welcome BATMAN!!:wave:
  4. Q

    Beware all you Windows users.

    :worm:OK!!!! ...I really don't care about karma..I just like starting shit :D
  5. Q

    tell Windows XP to shut up

    My computer has a microphone??? Did XP install that too?:worm:
  6. Q

    Beware all you Windows users.

    No direct linkage to the virus crapolla:eh: ...too lazy to click on all the links, to find it :D....prolly just a conspiracy to get my 11 karmas anyway.:lurk: ...yeah, yeah, yeah, I know...shut up about the damn karma :smash:
  7. Q

    I am the SH*T!!!!

    Oh....we got a few here. *twirls on head*:spin:
  8. Q


    Oh, database mood ass :D Someone took our karma on purpose and we want it back...right ku'u??:smash: ...someone's gotta pay for this, perhaps I can go over to OCN for a bit and smack Hinton around...he's a jerk (really he is)
  9. Q

    Saw A.I. and the Sony robot dog this weekend

    Yeah, you're right. It did start off well. Did they say how much that doggie is? He looks really cool, but my real dogs don't like Techno, I think they would wanna kick that guys butt.:scared:
  10. Q

    ZoneAlarm Evolves Into Full Security Tool

    hmmmm....which is a bigger security risk...hookers or cookies?:worm:
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    Pollage, need your opinion

    I'm going with the ice blue theme for awhile. However, I like the option to be able to switch back, if I change my mind.
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    Cross site connection

    What a great idea!:thup: ...but the link is temporarily unavailable to vote. :cry2:
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    Saw A.I. and the Sony robot dog this weekend

    I saw AI too. It didn't impress me.
  14. Q

    XiBase Logos

    FIFTEEN?? shit. I don't even got that much karma anymore :D Make it blue...I might consider it.*twirls on head*:spin:
  15. Q

    Defragmenting a 160Gig HD...

    That was a little harsh, don't ya think? :D
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    bumper stickers

    I don't have any...but I saw one on a car in a parking lot once that said "Life is short Don't be a dick" I've been trying to find it for years, but so far, no luck. :(
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    XiBase Logos

    me too! #3 :thup:
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    Damn the karma...damn the karma fairy and damn the karma thief that took the karma away.:cuss:
  19. Q

    Porn operator accused of duping Army

    Here is something I've always this guy owes 1.7 million in fines, he's going to prison, but when he gets out, how do they get any money out of him? garnish his wages? make him do community service at the Salvation Army till he dies? I just could never figure out how this whole...
  20. Q

    No breaks

    Apparently the cheap bastards expect the employees to provide their own toilet paper too.:eek: