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  1. Q

    Thank goodness...

    Double BAH! This is America, where capitalism rules. Anybody can establish a small business, but if you do open your own business, you had best be prepared to offer top of the line goods and customer service, because if you don't...there are a hundred other places that will. I will not be...
  2. Q


    yeah and they can monitor if your laundy room is messy too, but it does have some sporty features....and I don't mind announcing my laundry room is a lizard pit :D
  3. Q


    Ok, lil' it going?:worm:
  4. Q

    Thank goodness...

    They already IP banned me from their forums. (like that would stop me, if I really wanted to speak my mind) If they hack my ICQ I shall be forced to call in the macnn hacker cavalry. :D
  5. Q

    Thank goodness...

    yup, but we'd best discuss it privately..or take the risk of getting nuked again
  6. Q


    You prolly won't screw anything up. It practically does everything for you. Go for it!!
  7. Q

    Thank goodness...

    and I still say we need to go shopping:mad:
  8. Q

    A work of art

    Flag's not touching. His hat says FDNY...and I think it's awesome. :thup:
  9. Q

    Hey I want free curly fries for life

    The Arby's near me went out of business not that long the answer to "how many free fries could one eat ina a lifetime" here would be...NONE (however, I did love those "things that probably came from a cow" samiches ::cry2: )
  10. Q


    Oh yeah..good point. :rolleyes: Well, could ya smack their tech support around in the confessional?:smash:
  11. Q


    Maybe they were just waiting to see what you were made of br0xen.....Go blow up this stupid webhost. You'll be my hero! :D
  12. Q

    ANyone know what I posted this past week?

    I would just like to point out that Libations is for food and drink is not the disease department. If you come up with any more miracle cures, please post them in the Garage. Thank-you :D
  13. Q

    Paging Ms Spirit, where are you

    No really! HEY! *bites off handcuffs*
  14. Q

    Happy Birthday CHOCFIX

  15. Q

    Happy Birthday KRUZ

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY KRUZ!!!! :beerchug: :hbd::dance:
  16. Q

    Question about my cat

    I think that sounds normal flurf, shedding critters do have places where the hair is pretty scarce. Around the ears is one of them. Where Choppers ears attach to his head has very little hair and since the hair there is black and his skin is pink, it looks kinda wierd, but it's been like that...
  17. Q


    Congrats posty and gonz!:thup: Posty your plans sound wonderful. Get her one of those glass floats to commemerate the occasion.
  18. Q

    Happy birthday RRFIELD and DNAR

    Dnar, doncha got any friends over there?? Make them buy the beer! :D:beerchug: HAPPY BIRTHDAY DUDE!! :hbd: :dance: :smoke:
  19. Q


    yup, fury's right...and the "it won't happen to me thing" seems to apply to everybody evenly....unfortunately a buncha money won't save you if you go around doing stupid things. drinking+driving+not wearing a seat belt=retarded:smash:
  20. Q

