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    Points for being unusual, but if the brown paint is supposed to be shit, they kinda lacked creativity in that area. I'd have gone for a 3-D effect.
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    An E-Mail I Wrote Last Night™

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    Stuff you won't ever...ever find under my tree at xmas

    :sick: AAAAAAAACCCCCCKKKK...VectraP flashback
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    Networking question

    I don't have an extra vid card and there's almost nothing on this HDD anyway, so a format is no big deal. If the problem persists after the format then I guess I'll be investing in a vid card....keep your fingers crossed.
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    Hey Gonzo...I got a winning lottery ticket

    Gonz went up to New England....said something about kicking some Patriot butt. :D He'll be back tomorrow.
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    My New Avatar

    Photoshop ROCKS!! nice job Kruz! *smacks s4* you do so :smash:
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    Networking question

    Ok, I nstalled it as a local printer on the machine with the shit-eating display, only cuz one of those little thing-a-majigs you screw into is missing from the port on the other computer....and it wouldn't work without that screw. :( Good news is: the printer works like a charm Bad news...
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    Networking question

    10-4 :thup: I already uninstalled it from both puters, I was just waiting for the word. Thanks :)
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    Networking question

    It's hooked to a computer right now. I forgot there was a port on the router for a printer. If I hook it to the router, then the router will assign it an IP, right? Would that be easier or harder? I'm pretty sure I had it hooked to a computer last time I had them networked.
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    Romanian pensioner facing jail after falling asleep on sex line

    I think he has a pretty good case for boring, if he fell asleep on the phone with them (her, it :D )
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    Networking question

    Steve, that sounds like a plan. I think I did have the printer installed as a local printer before and then switched it to a network printer. File and print sharing is enabled on both machines in the network. Do I need to change that to make it a local printer, or won't it affect anything?
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    Proper way to inform a traffic jam

    That is great!! :D:D:D
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    Networking question

    Yeah, the printer works fine, and I had it set up before where any one of three computers could print from this same printer. I'm missing something little, but it's driving me crazy. Neither computer will print from it right now, because it sorta thinks it's a network printer.
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    Networking question

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    New Categories

    No. see? they left out entire gruops of people, like polynesians and eskimos.
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    Networking question

    I guess networking questions go in this forum. I recently networked my 2 computers. Both are running 98. File and print sharing are enabled. The computers can see each other. I can't get the printer to work. I think I just need to capture a printer port, but I don't remember what to put...
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    Hitler's ex-secretary recalls Fuehrer

    yep, I'm good now :)
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    Hitler's ex-secretary recalls Fuehrer

    I did call her a dipshit and I'm glad I called her a dipshit. :D
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    Ok. I've eatin enough of Neo's bandwidth for one morning.

    Nix, if you still have @home, you should have webspace. It's comes with your account. I just checked mine and I can still get to it.