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  1. Q

    OMG! my one and only puter is coming unglued

    I've been giving that some serious thought. I'm going to be putting xp on the 40 GB HDD tomorrow. Do you feel like explaining how to partition the drive so I can put Linux on there too? and which flavor of Linux do I want?
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    OMG! my one and only puter is coming unglued

    I just thought of something. Yesterday when I was having the most problems. When I used ctrl+alt+del twice to reboot cuz I had all the wacky numbers and letters and upside down question marks instead of a desktop and then I finally got so aggrivated I shut the power down at the power button...
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    I wonder if they take checks from CA

    Mine cost $70 and I thought that was too much.
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    OMG! my one and only puter is coming unglued

    The video card is a SIS (4MB PCI) and it is only about 8 months old. The mouse is USB :scared: wonder what happened to his serial port poker? I know he had one. I looked at mouses at Walmart today. The cheapest one was $12.00. no wheel, what a rip....I might just have to go over to kirks...
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    OMG! my one and only puter is coming unglued

    It's not o/ced. This is my back up little puppy system. It always ran great. It has a 1GB t-bird, only 128MB RAM a 350w psu and a 6.4GB HDD. It's the only machine I have running right now. It has to work.:cry2:
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    Is anyone seriously stupid enough to think the Super Bowl was fixed?

    well he needs more millions...don't you think?
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    OMG! my one and only puter is coming unglued

    I have 3- 92mm case fans and a cak32 cpu fan. 2 of the 92mm are sucking air into the case and one is blowing it out. I don't have a sensor, but the air coming out of the case feels cool. The psu is also cool to the touch. Is it possible this vid card is just puking? Do they go out fighting...
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    We still have a members gallery, btw

    ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, stargazing :D:spin:
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    We still have a members gallery, btw

    well, that telescope, for one thing....and I would also like the stuff in the cardboard boxes. I can get my own cardboard boxes, right down at the liquor store, if I want. :D nice ones too. :p See Gonz? you are not the boss of dnars stuff. :p notice the cheerful and cooperative "sure" at...
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    OMG! my one and only puter is coming unglued

    Ok, well everything seems to be tight except me (blame that on the beer :D ) and I attempted the scandisk/autofix, which was going delightfully well...until windows decided it was having no part of my mouse. It's a logitech. It was about 50 bucks. I guess I can go buy a cheezo $8.00 ms mouse...
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    When you think you have seen it al...

    ROFLMAO.....that is simply disgusting. :D
  12. Q

    original food fight thread just splooged my hologram :D .....and your grody ol lard sour cream combo is a direct hit on.....SL!
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    When you think you have seen it al...

    click and shit capability Unfortunately, I've run across all too many people that come with this capability already. :D
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    OMG! my one and only puter is coming unglued

    Rebooting should have rectified a memory resource problem, shouldn't it? The video problems are starting to return. New and exciting problems! Now the text is starting to bunch up. Some of the letters are running together....and some are kinda bold now. Reinstalling windows is not an...
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    OMG! my one and only puter is coming unglued

    I can't stand it!:scared: At one point my screen was so messed up I couldn't even read anything. I shut it down by aiming for and hoping I put the cursor in the right place. I left it off for about 30 minutes, fired it back up and now the display is perfect. Wonder how long it will last? I...
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    OMG! my one and only puter is coming unglued

    Please, oh just keeps getting worse :cry: Huge chunks of text are missing, fat black lines are running horizontally, jumpy yellow lines are running vertically.
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    OMG! my one and only puter is coming unglued

    ACK! it's getting worse, my taskbar just went MIA. Letters in the titles of threads are disappearing and reapperaing....and the smiley window has smilies outside the window and the ones inside are all on top of each other.
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    OMG! my one and only puter is coming unglued

    The display is messed up. There is wacky shit all over my screen. Rainbow colored dots, the cursor has a buncha lines hanging around it, so it's hard to tell where it is. I thought it might be the vid card, so I updated the drivers. When I rebooted it went into SAFEMODE :scared: out of sheer...
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    Is anyone seriously stupid enough to think the Super Bowl was fixed?

    Things that make ya go hmmmmmm: How much does it cost to persuade one super bowl contender not to pound the other ones defense?
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    heading for SuperBowl XXXVI

    I think the date screw up is related to the admin control panel meltdown that happened when fury attempted to give brain a couple thousand extra posts. Gonz, don't pay too much attention to SL. He still thinks the greedy monopolistic utility companies are honest and provide good service.:smash2: