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  1. Q

    I think I found my new commute car

    cool :cool:
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    The Way Of Life

    *phew* that one scared me. :scared: :D
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    I think Lobo and Wolverine were secretly gay (hence the extreme macho bravado shit) and they whorked off into the sunset together after a fake battle and now they run a boutique in the French Quarter. What do I get? I never heard of Lobo and Wolverine :D
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    original food fight thread

    what do I get??? a lolipop?? :D
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    original food fight thread

    *rubs full belly* got any dessert? :worm:
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    original food fight thread

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    Since I don't see krusty here at the moment, and since he pm'ed me the answer..... giant squid if keeee-rect Baton goes to flavio!
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    Old Timer's Sex

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    Pictures PLEASE

    Hey Bronto! that little blurry thingy helped alot!! looks better than the original. :) Ok, bitchen, you can quit bitchin now....that's the real one. :scared: Methinks unc's trying to schmooze me after this mornings little cake throwing fest in L&C..:D
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    Spirit went home

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    original food fight thread

    What kinda protein??? :sick: :worm:
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    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    Welocme Mikelh :wave: HIYA MIKE!!!!
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    original food fight thread

    ACK!! does this mean the weddings off?? (kirk will be relieved) what about whorking (v2.0)??? can we still cop a recreational whork once in a while?? *wipes frosting from face...zeroes in on target* *Flings MANChow® and crappè canapès at unc*
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    Spirit went home

    Where's here?...and why didn't she post while she was there? You're being kinda stingy with the details iron....we need more information. Where is spirit now? When will she be posting again? Why don't you post more often? C'mon dude...spit it out.:worm: Vic is one of our more well...
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    To my favorite Doctor...

    Ooooohh Trinity....I posted this same thing about a couple months ago...riots broke out! :scared:
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    Do you remember this one?

    Beer commercials ROCK!!:D
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    Moderating in....

    Yeah he is! Hang around Nihilistic, show us what you got!:worm:
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    Victor, I don't think a fox stole around a ladys neck sitting in a Mercedes going a hundred miles an hour counts. :p
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    Spirit went home

    I want to know too.