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  1. Q

    Moderating in....

    I'll take dirt for 5000 please.
  2. Q

    Moderating in....

    CERTAINLY!! :worm:
  3. Q


    *scoots around in chair waving arm wildly in the air* I know, I know!!
  4. Q

    Moderating in....

    Not you silly!!:D our little extortee
  5. Q

    Moderating in....

    I think our mods in that forum are doing an outstanding job, but then again, I drive my car on the wall in PS, sometimes backwards.:retard: Could ya gimme 5k anyway?
  6. Q

    Moderating in....

    I was only kidding about the posting alot part....I can make do with 5k. Gonz is an extortionist :D
  7. Q

    Are these neighbors of yours, Q?

    Among other things, I can't imagine how you could have possibly gotten this impression from anything Gonzo said.:confused:
  8. Q

    Moderating in....

    ok, just kidding...NEO is the person you need to talk to about this.
  9. Q

    Moderating in....

    You must express utter devotion to the site by posting alot and give me 5k.:worm:
  10. Q


    Somebody better answer this question before krusty gets up....or you're all in big trouble!:smash:
  11. Q

    Nymphomaniac Convention

  12. Q

    1000 threads!

    whadda ya kiddin??? this baby fits me like a's the form fitting kind...not the big ol' lady trucker kind...and it has Scooby-doo on it! :cool:
  13. Q


    Oh, so close, but I'll let it slide Its DIRT and a frog in a blender :D
  14. Q


    Foxes do not go a hundred miles and
  15. Q


    You completely ignored my riddle....I must withhold any more responses until my riddle is acknowledged.:mad: ...and I know what it is too
  16. Q

    Pet's that every man should have

    My dogs can do that.:eh:
  17. Q


    Well, I can think of a lot of differences...but I'll go with, complex sentences never climb up the drapes?
  18. Q


    so it wasn't dirt? daaaang:retard: Ok, whats brown and red and green and goes a hundred miles an hour?
  19. Q

    1000 threads!

    YIPPY SKIPPY!!! *stands on head* :cool:
  20. Q

    I think I found my new commute car

    did you ever find out what the weird shudder was??