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  1. Q

    original food fight thread

    Yeah, and we have Johnny Quest, and Raji and Bandit too!! *throws gummy-worms at flurf*
  2. Q

    original food fight thread

    Q laughs at the Borg!! Attorneys however, are not funny.....*shoots jello through a straw at flurf*
  3. Q

    original food fight thread

    *hands on hips* yeah, so there! :p
  4. Q

    original food fight thread

    Q is wearing Off® Cheese and garden...that silly laser has no effect.
  5. Q

    original food fight thread

    Langoliers eat time....cheese, whatever gets in their way...except jewelry. :p
  6. Q

    original food fight thread

    Cheese can't beat Langoliers :rolleyes:
  7. Q

    original food fight thread

    *Unleashes big herd of Langoliers to start eating this damn cheese mess*
  8. Q

    original food fight thread

    *happily floats on top of cheesewave, flinging cheese frisbees out of hardened cheese* ooh, I think Mr.Rogers just went under...poor Mr. Rogers
  9. Q

    original food fight thread

    *Quickly pulls gonz and unc in the raft and activates microwave force field* who brought the crackers??? ....and beer? :beerchug:
  10. Q

    original food fight thread

    Lucky thing for winey, I got this cheese-proof 10 man life raft at my local Big K last week...yanks winey in the raft :whip:
  11. Q

    original food fight thread it comes!!! the first wave of cheese!! eiw *waves at Mr. Rogers as he floats by* :wave: Hi Mr. Rogers! {scratches head...wonder what he's doing here?}
  12. Q

    original food fight thread

    I don't know exactly what you want me to do down there...but I'm guessing it'll be pertty hard with all this cheese deflecting scuba gear on. :p
  13. Q

    original food fight thread

    Ooooohhhh I haaaate cheese! :sick: *hides under gonz and unc*
  14. Q

    original food fight thread

    *hands flurf a wetnap* *swipes flurfs handy dandy cheez-whiz out of its holster* *splooges gonz and runs away* :D
  15. Q

    More shots part 3...last one for now

    WOW!!! All the pics are gorgeous!! I especially liked the falls. Welcome back!!!(I saved some as wallpaper too) :)
  16. Q

    original food fight thread

    *adds water forms the perfect mudpie...takes careful aim and flings mudpie at..............................................flavio!! (who cleverly ducks at the precise right moment) allowing the mudpie to smoosh all over flurf!!!* sorry you can have my dum dum :cry2:
  17. Q

    original food fight thread

    yeah..prolly a dum dum :spin:
  18. Q


    did I say DIRT??? no, I did not. Bet there was dirt there though :p
  19. Q


  20. Q

    Deanril Wrote a article for us.

    That was a great article Dean! Very well thought out, informative and explained in terms we can all understand. Nice job! I have a semi-related question. Recently my truck (96 S-10) has been blowing not so cold air from the ac, even on the coldest setting/helicopter speed :D My coolant...