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  1. Q

    O PC Canada

    ...and I thought it was bad when they changed the words on Star Trek:lurk:
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    Pictures PLEASE

    Where's your pic??...Professur Smartypants?:worm:
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    kinda stupid email question

    I'm using OE5.5 all my messages are directed to the inbox I am subscribed to no newsgroups it does appear to be the phantom message problem, which used to happen once in a while, but now it happens about everyday:confused: it doesn't apperar to be causing any just bugs the...
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    Pictures PLEASE

    Ok ok, I admit I'm not the linux chick...but I am not either of those two men either:scared:
  5. Q

    *Yawning*...Is it contagious?

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    kinda stupid email question

    Well. I guess I can draw comfort in knowing I'm not alone, some lady in NZ has a flakey mailbox too.:worm:
  7. Q

    Pot now legal! long as he's awake when a commercial comes on.:worm:
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    Pot now legal!

    Yes, capt kirk is at the helm of my dreamboat.:spin:
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    Pot now legal!

    Allow me to translate: Ladies, do not blow me, Victor P, any shot guns, as pot has a tendency to make me impotent. :D
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    AWOL: Mr. Deep and Mr. Glussier

    GILES!!....come baaaaaaack!! :cry2:
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    kinda stupid email question

    ...but mailbox is broken:cry: ...and I hardly touched him, I SWEAR!!
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    New York Strip Steak With Stilton-Port Butter

    This one had me going till I found out what Stilton cheese is:sick: However, I have an alternative for the other bleu cheese haters out there. Sauteéd Onions 1 med-lg onion per person, sliced thin 1 tbsp butter 1 clove of fresh garlic a couple shakes of McCormick-Montreal Steak®...
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    Pot now legal!

    You asked for 80 kilos...methinks your gonna need more than 100 friends!:spin:
  14. Q

    Anyone care to join me for a cocktail....

    Heck no! we don't mind! Prof prolly won't even notice since I gave him that hummer. :lol:
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    kinda stupid email question

    Trinity my lovely hunk of manliness, If I am doing what you're telling me correctly, when I right click on the top toolbar I have these two options: toolbar /views if I check viewsbar, I get the following 3 choices: 1.)show all messages 2.) hide read messages 3.) hide read or ignored...
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    Anyone care to join me for a cocktail....

    *hands prof a tall frosty hurricane glass with a bendy straw and a pretty umbrella* :spin: heeeres yer hummer :D
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    Anyone care to join me for a cocktail....

    wasn't necessary :o<-----:D
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    Anyone care to join me for a cocktail....

    Prof, this is just a guess...but I don't think the creme de menthe kind have the same effect as the kind you may be referring to :D
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    Anyone care to join me for a cocktail....

    yeah...and just what the hell is a vegemite sandwich?? been wondering that for years...
  20. Q

    pew... someone open the friggin window

    Thank-you for saying that Crabbles...the boys are far too modest. They put alot of time and effort into the boards and it's a treat to hear your compliments. It's our pleasure to have you aboard!:wave: