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  1. Q

    Pot now legal!

    So, if you have aids or cancer and decide to go into pot farming...exactly how much pot are you allowed to grow? I would imagine 40 acres would be a bit excessive for ones personal use.:worm:
  2. Q

    Im Lookin for some speakers (surround sound)

    Fuser, those are the speakers you got for $34.00CND?? Those are really cool looking!
  3. Q

    Anyone have any advice on a good cheap webcam?

    That one is pretty sporty looking! but I know they have some more gereric looking models for less money, but I haven't compared the features...the coolie looking one may just be worth the extra bucks.:cool:
  4. Q

    Anyone care to join me for a cocktail....

    Mine sounds DELICIOUS!!:spin: drinks on me!
  5. Q

    kinda stupid email question

    Thanks a13...ok, I looked in options, everything looks kosher in there. I also checked the deleted items folder (which I just emptied recently) and everything looks pretty familiar, plus I think there would be alot more in there if all the times it said I got a new message with nothing in the...
  6. Q

    Give a warm XI welcome....

    GO GONZ GO!!!! :worm:
  7. Q

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    :wave: HIYA DRUIDAE!!!
  8. Q

    kinda stupid email question

    Sometimes my OE announces I have new mail, it even says 2 or 4 or whatever new messages...but my inbox is empty. Could this be from Blocked Senders and the messages aren't actually reaching the inbox? What happens to messages from blocked senders?
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    ROFL :D:sick::D
  10. Q

    New Ax

    ok ok...if it's a 12 string, I agree, it's worth every penny:wave:
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    New Ax

    That's all?? Here I'm thinking a simple acoustic, for peace of mind purposes....and he goes fund-raiser on me :spin:
  12. Q

    New Ax

    I play piano. I don't play much anymore, but I still have one (it's flamingo pink :D ) ...sometimes I just have to sit down and start banging away. You should get a new guitar gonz:cry2:
  13. Q

    *Warning Alert for all Chocolate Lovers*

    a little more information than I really needed, thank-you :sick:
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    Corporate MindBending

    ...and the really pathetic part is....alot of people will go there, just to see what an OPEN-AIR LIFESTYLE CENTER is:rolleyes:
  15. Q

    Pictures PLEASE

  16. Q

    My favourite 'Algorism'...what's yours?

    Re: Re: Re: My favourite 'Algorism'...what's yours? I don't do math, so don't be threatening me with pi big boy!:smash:'ll notice I'm usually very discreet :D
  17. Q

    New Ax

    What do you mean, you don't play anymore?? You don't play for a living...or you just don't play at all?:confused:
  18. Q

    *Warning Alert for all Chocolate Lovers*

    I guess chocolate chips and Riunite Lambrusco is not an option, huh?:spin: Ok, I'll look for Dow Port next time I go shopping, but I only like semi-sweet chocolate. Popcorn and champagne sounds divine!!
  19. Q

    Pictures PLEASE

    Do not:p