Speaking of that Comet Cursor, how the hell do you get rid of that @#$%& thing?? I removed that sucker from everywhere I coulld find, I even used the reg cleaner and it's still in there. :mad:
Trinity, my little love muffin...you never said I couldn't share your pic with the other girls! Things of beauty need to be shared to be appreciated. I just couldn't help myself :cry2: don't be mad.
p.s. nice cod piece in your next post! :D
I guess it depends on the drug, but from what you've said it doesn't sound like a good combo. You might want to see what you can find on the net on the particular drug you're taking and any contraindications.
Whoa....back up there lil buckaroo! have I or have I not, on numerous occasions, demanded to see your virile manly-man hunkiness in the buff sporting only a codpiece? hmmmmm?