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  1. Q

    My mugshot for the gallery

    *Q faints*:worm: *gets up peeks* *faints again*:D
  2. Q

    We have a birthday thread in L&C

    NO! NOW GET IN THERE! :mad: :D
  3. Q

    If you get a chance to fight somebody and win

    He always picks on me...and for no reason at all!
  4. Q

    animated gene stuff

    the first one is very cool! ...and don't let DA fool you Gonzo, she knows more that she's letting on :D
  5. Q

    Whats your ride?

    Whoa, what is that?? Batmobile by Cadillac? :eek:
  6. Q

    We have a birthday thread in L&C

    also a tasty new recipe GO THERE NOW!! :smash:
  7. Q

    If you get a chance to fight somebody and win

    I think I can take Gonzo :D
  8. Q

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    YAY!!! BRONTO'S HERE....HIYA BRONTO!!!!! :wave:
  9. Q

    Happy Birthday Dark Angel!!

    I hope you get everything you want!!
  10. Q

    how many references do you have?

    Sometimes I do worry about you... if you ever wanna yak on icq, you know where to find me.
  11. Q

    how many references do you have?

    s4, first of all...don't drink a beer! second of all, GET THE HELL OUT OF HICKSVILLE!! those people sound like they're all from a Steven King novel.....please think about moving!
  12. Q

    MP3's? is one option, but if you still have only a 2GB HDD, you may want to wait till you have more space.
  13. Q


    here's one that raises his eyes and eyebrows! ok, well....sort of :D
  14. Q


    eh??? like this?? only one eyebrow though
  15. Q

    So sue me...

    Oh that's a good idea, then he only needs to take a French class for one or two years so he can change it back. :lurk:
  16. Q

    When did you lose your virginity?

    The first time I got laid.
  17. Q

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    :wave: HIYA MISSY!!!
  18. Q

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    :wave: HIYA KCW!!!
  19. Q

    Im Lookin for some speakers (surround sound)

    I have only a pair also, Altec Lansings, but they produce a nice sound and they were around $50.00. (psst, this prolly belongs in the periphials forum :) )