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  1. Q

    If you get a chance to fight somebody and win

    how very thoughtful pra!! :D
  2. Q

    If you get a chance to fight somebody and win

    He's a sport model, isn't he?:worm:
  3. Q

    Whats your ride?

    I kinda like the shark, is he an option?
  4. Q

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    naughty?? who told you that? Gonzo? you know he just likes to pick on me :DIt really means he likes me :p right Gonz?
  5. Q

    If you get a chance to fight somebody and win

    It's that sig gets me all wound up :D
  6. Q

    If you get a chance to fight somebody and win

    Trinity this is a direct hint to add your pic to the gallery....I saw that dandy lookin' pic on the HWC gallery...ya know!...but the pink one is nice too :D
  7. Q

    To pierce or not to pierce?

    That is a good idea! I saw some stuff on the last cruise I was on called body art. Some kind of adhesive held the jewelry on wherever you felt like putting it. Might not be a bad idea to testdrive the nose dealy first and see how you like it.
  8. Q

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    :D the rest of the welcoming committee should be around shortly :worm:
  9. Q

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    Welcome iron!! :wave: Enjoy!!
  10. Q

    If you get a chance to fight somebody and win

    Look on the bright side pra :D at least you were too busy with DA to have your head buried in his thighs!:lol:
  11. Q

    If you get a chance to fight somebody and win

    Pra, stop grabbing Trinity...hes a boy....and a mighty fine lookin' boy, I might add!
  12. Q

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    :wave: HIYA BROCK!!
  13. Q

    To pierce or not to pierce?

    I dunno about that. I have 3 holes in each ear and I could never keep earrings in the top holes, it just hurt too much....18 years later they still look like holes.
  14. Q

    So sue me...

    I know I know! a13! why don't you just tell him to disable his keyboard entirely and he can mind-meld with his lappy. :D
  15. Q

    To pierce or not to pierce?

    even the teeny tiny stones have regular sized backs which would be on the inside, thats the part I wouldn't like....I vote for a belly button one! Hey, we didn't get our yawning smilie....I just noticed the legend :cry2:
  16. Q

    If you get a chance to fight somebody and win

    jeez, I gotta do all the work too? :D
  17. Q

    Sites to see and add on your favorites...
  18. Q

    We have a birthday thread in L&C

    They made me have to yell! :D
  19. Q

    They're not just for dinner anymore

    cool! Did you know pigs are real scratchy? Their hair is like wire.