first & foremost-realize life does not suck-our present situation might, but hell, no life no fun.
A long & truly irritating thought-since approximately 1955, Americans, especially, have had it too easy-there have been no long, drawn out wars to fight with extensive casualties(one had to be born pre-52 for Vietnam). virtually everyone has a car, a phone, running water, electricity, natural gas (ie AIR CONDITIONING & HEATING at the touch of a button), microwaves, and all the other conveniences of modern life. our biggest concern has become "when will I..."-actually we've become a very selfish lot, so, in order to make ourselves feel better we've made up a long list of pscho-babble excuses. anorexia is a deadly act of stupidity & self-absortion, children with (name the disorder here) are no different than children since the beginning of time-they have lots of energy & need to expell it somewhere besides a day-care center(like on a long bike ride or camping trip with thier parents). this could go on & on. the simple fact is life is 97% work, sleep & boredom mixed with a few dollops od excitement just to keep the dldrums from killing us-so-
pull yourself up by the bootstraps, stand up straight & realize you could live in a cave in northern france in the middle of winter & you have absolutely no ****ing idea where your next meal is coming from so, don't curse the less exciting times of life-a large bus with your name on it could be around the corner.
(I don't want to hear stories of how bad some people have it-there are REAL Psychological problems out there-but not THAT many)