Trinity1.... trinity trinity trinity...... *smooch* are you married?
Vic..... darling.... those other ladies don't hold a candle to me and you know it............... (

heehheheh) you missed me.... c'mon... you can break down and cry now.... I am fine.
Gonzo..... hi ya baby....
I like thongs.... oh hey.... iron..... by the way.... I think I left something there..... buwahahahahahahaaa!!!! I need a new thong collection.... anyone hip to donating?
Hey Q...... I actually missed y'all....
Neo...... damn you're handsome. I know.. has nothing to do with anything here.... but I had to say it sooner or later.
s4..... I am home.... well.... not *home*.... but here. I will flir... I mean talk to you later, maybe tonight...