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  1. Gonzo

    "Why are we still there?"

    Thanks guys. Not bad for a first "Windows Movie Maker" experience. Now, if we could just go about our business, kicking the bad guys asses, we'd be okay.
  2. Gonzo

    Islam Sucks

    Not directly, but the law does if they get there in time
  3. Gonzo

    Should handicapped kids be in a regular classroom?

    Read the poll my opening post....:banghead:
  4. Gonzo

    Zyban Anyone?

    my last smoke was 5 minute ago & boy, it was as crappy as the other 50million I've had:shrug:
  5. Gonzo

    Whacked link of the day

    Misunderstanding-upon conversion from NTFS to Fat32 you are reformatting the drive, so you'll need a OS disc, not just the recovery files...what do you mean they didn't give you XP? You paid for the sumbitch--- Removing NTFS Drives To remove the NTFS file system, reformat the hard disk to...
  6. Gonzo

    Cheap Radeon 8500's at Best Buy!!!

    (BLUE THEME joke omitted) Sue
  7. Gonzo

    Can you lick yours?

    Help!! I've fallen & can't get up.
  8. Gonzo


    KK appears to be trolling if you traced him to a company. I'd remove the email address & post a "stern warning" against that sort of thing. Tell him, it's 2 strikes & you're out.
  9. Gonzo

    Real Man Test - Are You One?

    REAL men don't take stupid tests:D
  10. Gonzo

    "Why are we still there?"

    That seems to be a suddenly new rallying cry about our involvement in Afghanistan and the other places we are/are going to. Already? This has just started, folks. If 8 deaths are too much, whatcha gonna do when we have a real fight & end up with 100 dead? or 1000? Freedom is too precious to give...
  11. Gonzo

    Whacked link of the day

    you can change the install to Fat32; and, there is a page describing how to convert NTFS back to Fat32 in the MS knowledge base, so that's not a problem, so wtf are they talking about
  12. Gonzo

    Editorial about patriotism

    UL-"of the USofA" was added in the late 1900's and "under God" was added in about 1954
  13. Gonzo

    Islam Sucks

    not even the library-look here
  14. Gonzo

    Islam Sucks

    I wasn't really "asking" you Flavio, just using the pulpit;)
  15. Gonzo videos

    are becoming PPV. Well not exactly, but close enough. $4.95/mo or free if you subscribe to the REALONE(what a pos) $9.95/mo plan... starts in a "couple of weeks"
  16. Gonzo

    Tip on Nuclear Attack Risk Was Kept From New Yorkers

    Imagine what the shitstorm woulda been if the officials knew, left town & didn't pass the word...
  17. Gonzo

    Like you need an excuse to hack

    another ism............:mad: :retard: :smash: :whip: :lurk: :thdown: :hmm: :vomit: :banghead: :eureka: :evillaff: :screwyou: :fart: :smash2: :froth: :jumpblob: :nono: :cuss: :chainsaw: :chaingun: :rocket: :biggun: :cut: :mischief: :nono2: :smash3: :retard3: :smash4:
  18. Gonzo

    Islam Sucks

    Why get pissed at on opinion? Educate him. Ignore him. Laugh at him. Feel sorry for the putz. But we all have opinions, some good, some bad & some just plain stupid If we have the thought police involved, then aren't we giving up a fundamental human right? Who are we to says he's not right? It's...
  19. Gonzo

    Interesting Editorial

    I saw this yesterday & it brings some interesting "facts" to the forefront. I withheld the author because he's an idiot, a bigot & would immediately make one question the articles accuracy. Read it for what it is & then decide if it's worthy of discussion, I'll add the author at a later date.
  20. Gonzo

    Could you imagine a BSOD in your car?

    If cell phones are illegal to operate while driving, will IM's be ok?