oops, sorry if I wasn't clear. I currently have fat32 with WIN ME and XFS with Libranet on the system. I don't know if the recovery disks have WIN XP on them as part of the recovery process, or just the recovery tools. There are two CD's that make up the recovery pack.
I went to IBM's site and looked up the recovery process. Apparently you boot ftom the 1st recovery disk, which starts the recovery process.
Here's where I'm not sure and will probably call IBM to see what they say the recovery process does. In any case, the online guide states that you are asked if you want to format the "C" drive, or the entire hard disk. I assume if you pick "C", then it will only format the seen "C" drive. From there, I hope that XP installs, allowing me the option of keeping fat32. This way I can boot XP. Then, I can boot from the Linux CD to a terminal window and recover lilo to the mbr.
I know that PartitonMagic 6 will format the "C: drive also, if I need to do this. I have seen that PartitonMagic 6 will not run on WIN XP or properly recognize NTFS, but I can make boot and PartitionMagic floppy disks before I start as a back-up.
Yep, no WIN XP CD ROM, although the have the "Certificate of Authenticity" which I hope is the one that the recovery process will be asking for (the online guide states to have this handy to input, I'm assuming it is speaking of the XP numbers).
I am hoping that what the IBM tech was saying was that once NTFS is installed, whether he was wrong or not, that XP defaults to NTFS during the recovery process, rather than the recovery process not letting me keep the fat32 partition. It looks like the option to convert the drive when I turned on the machine with pre-installed XP, the system was preset at the factory to convert to NTFS.
Well see what IBM says about the recovery process.