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  1. Gonzo

    I think we have a snooper

    Don't chase them away, ask them(forcibly if you must) to join in our antics
  2. Gonzo

    Who is Karma?

    ?, yes, yes, yes, yes
  3. Gonzo

    Thank goodness...

    Speakin' of hangin', wheres my blowjob?
  4. Gonzo

    Thank goodness...

  5. Gonzo

    Morpheus Problem?

    Now they've gone & added a new twist. It seems a DoS attack happened so Morpheus as we once knew is dead. It's now, Morpheus™ Morpheus Preview Edition. A direct gnutella connection. And new software-which hasn't crashed YET
  6. Gonzo

    Thank goodness...

    $$$? Me first Me first I believe I'd do okay with $15,000. I can handle the rest from there, thanks Q-you're a doll
  7. Gonzo

    No Longer Neutral

    well, swiss cheese should now go down in price:rolleyes: and won't they be helpful in stopping terrorism:scared:
  8. Gonzo

    ATI tops in US retail graphics board market in 2001

    This mornings Best Buy ad-Radeon 8500 139(after MIR, of course) & GeForce4 T1 $399. Hmmm, I think I'll wait for the G4
  9. Gonzo

    ATI tops in US retail graphics board market in 2001

    This mornings Best Buy ad-Radeon 8500 139(after MIR, of course) 7 GeForce4 T1 $399. Hmmm, I think I'll wait for the G4
  10. Gonzo


    2k to XP will be(under "normal" circumstances) a breeze.
  11. Gonzo

    Islam Sucks

    Very true, albeit we of the western world are expected to bend to ideologies of other places yet they don't have the same expectations when coming west. As we now have "one world", shouldn't everyone be expected to bend a little?
  12. Gonzo

    Thank goodness...

    Here here:beerchug:
  13. Gonzo

    Remember these days?

    HEY HEY it there POsty, some of us still use that crap(K6-2 550):smash3:
  14. Gonzo

    Memory sped vs. CPU speed

    oh, you found the geforcetweakutility & you're confused too huh?
  15. Gonzo

    A work of art

    S4-get over it, you're wrong & we're all right so nya nyanya nyanay nya:dance:
  16. Gonzo

    Islam Sucks

    Then YOU will be accused of insensitivity. The point isn't what he said, but his right to say it. Just as yours is to rebutt it.
  17. Gonzo

    The World's Top Billionaires List

    Shadowfax, that's the beauty of capitalism. Nobody can spend $52 billion dollars(unless they work in government) & the best thing is, it's nobodies business what the money is used for. Some say "give it back, help the poor, blah blah blah"...why?, he earned it & didn't steal it, so it's his...
  18. Gonzo

    Islam Sucks

  19. Gonzo

    Islam Sucks

    Okay. Here we go again. Why is it that if you are an Asian homosexual tree-hugging animal rights activist, you can say ANYTHING you want & if someone decries it, THEY are racist homophobic bigots, but if the opinion is on the other side of PC, it is wrong!!!!!!! This kid wrote this article in...
  20. Gonzo

    Romanowski is a...(take 2)

    WOOHOO-another bad boy joins the Silver & Black Attack