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  1. Gonzo

    Aussie Rockers INXS Set U.S. Tour with New Singer

    Let's hope he has help masturbating:)
  2. Gonzo

    US Attacks Eastern Afghan Mountains

    It ain't over yet...
  3. Gonzo

    The United States of America Constitution

    "To take a single step beyond the boundaries specially drawn around the powers of Congress is to take possession of a boundless field of power, no longer susceptible to definition." -Thomas Jefferson to George Washington, Feb. 1791
  4. Gonzo

    The World's Top Billionaires List

    What a rush. Lose $5+ billion in a year & still be #1 on the list, think he'd pay my credit cards off? The top
  5. Gonzo

    A work of art

    Yep, gotta love this Proview™ 15" monitor-(top o' the line crap);)
  6. Gonzo

    Editorial about patriotism

    (I had such a good answer before we were rudely interupted.) That's why we are a representative republic instead of a democracy. If the majority always got their way then the minority would be beaten & killed regualrly. God was never in our classrooms until the 40's. The nifty50s made sure we...
  7. Gonzo

    Israeli's new twist on terrorism

    I heard this on the radio so until it can be verified by a second source consider it rumor but, to disuade terrorism by Islamics in Israel, they are reportedly rubbing down the corpses with pork fat, wrapping them in pork skin & throwing their bodies into an unmarked grave with no...
  8. Gonzo

    A work of art

    The helmet is not FONY, it's FDNY, Fire Department of New York, and the flag is not touching the ground...put your glasses back on:D
  9. Gonzo

    The United States of America Constitution

    He tried, he lied, he died
  10. Gonzo

    The United States of America Constitution

    People seem to have forgotten, it is "We the People..." not "We the Federal Government..." In my estimation, about 70% of what goes on in Washington DC is illegal. The Constitution spells out exactly what the Executive, Judicial & Legislative branches may do, not what the people mayn't...
  11. Gonzo

    Why doesn't the US stop solving all the other countries' problems?

    People are afraid of the wrong issues. Look at the "capaign finance reform" going through congress as we speak. That is a total violation of the first admendment & nobody cares. Our legislators took an oath of office to uphold & defend the constitution, then they pass this garbage. Same type of...
  12. Gonzo

    .WAVs, etc

    quite a stock, fine tune your computer to say what you will
  13. Gonzo


    AGAIN you forget the Star Trek:Bridge Commander release... 03/07/02 I believe
  14. Gonzo

    Psychiatrist says Yates was in 'deep psychosis'

    I agree she's crazy, She'd have to be to kill her 5 kids. Put her in jail or the crazy ward, just get her delusional ass off the streests & tell her husband to get over it, the bitch is nuts
  15. Gonzo

    Way to go Crapple!

  16. Gonzo


    I'm just starting to teach myself. I've been using Python to get started & I installed Visual Studio 6 Pro to confuse myself.
  17. Gonzo

    Morpheus Problem?

    It starts, then wants to send MS a error report, so I've uninstalled it.:(
  18. Gonzo


    If I can't login, even using Furys links, what the point? Damn, what a week for boards.
  19. Gonzo

    Would you really want to sell a computer to this guy?

    You are not obligated IN ANY WAY to guarantee an item sold privately. There has actually been a ruling by at least one court on this, regarding garage sales. So screw 'em. Also, why did you offer an OS? Unless you're giving them the cd-rom, that's piracy, so be careful:D Hell yes I'd sell to...
  20. Gonzo

    Hey I want free curly fries for life

    Great marketing by Arbys. Just how many free or purchased curly fries could one eat in a lifetime?