A work of art



No offense but there are two things wrong with that pic.

#1) The flag if properly held should never touch the ground.

#2) The word "FONY" on the helmet indicates there is something wrong with the depicted firefighter. In the case of the NYC firefighters, they are as real as real can be. There is nothing "phony" about them. Real people doing very real things decribes them, and the stamp of "FONY" is actually an insult.

I didn't want to say anything, but the pic did not impress me the same way as it did you. I love the 3d imaging and whoever drew it is an artistic genius.

They say if you can't say something nice don't say anything at all. I should of kept my mouth shut I suppose. In no way did I mean to offend you Postcode.


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
The helmet is not FONY, it's FDNY, Fire Department of New York, and the flag is not touching the ground...put your glasses back on:D


The flag is too touching the ground and it looks like "FONY" to me not FDNY.:worm:

You got to realize us poor people with lower res monitors cannot make out details as good as folks with expensive ones can.

Besides what kind of a retard would hold the flag in that position anyway? The flag should be held high with pride.


Staff member
It looks like the firefighter is cradling the flag as if it were a hurt bird. You know how those kinds of scenes go... person sees a hurt bird, person cradles hurt bird and cries, etc... That's how I saw it anyway. Very excellent work!


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
Yep, gotta love this Proview™ 15" monitor-(top o' the line crap);)


Perverted Penguin
Staff member
It's not touching the ground. You can see the shadow of it and there is clearly a space between the end of the flag and the shadow. Regardless, you sculpt a piece of ice to make the firefighter holding the flag have it raised above his head. :D


Staff member
Flag's not touching. His hat says FDNY...and I think it's awesome. :thup:


It still looks like FONY on my Compaq Presario 15" monitor at 800x600 res.


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
S4-get over it, you're wrong & we're all right so nya nyanya nyanay nya:dance: