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  1. Gonzo

    Should handicapped kids be in a regular classroom?

    I refuse to recognize ADD/ADHD in 99% of the cases. It should be LFP&tIT(lazy fucking parents & the idiot teachers) syndrome. If you've ever seen a TRULY hyperactive child, then you understand. Otherwise, it's male hating female teachers who don't wish to get their hands dirty making the boys...
  2. Gonzo

    It'll never end I'm tired of hearing about it

    Yesterdays paper had a tally on the death count in the latest PLO/Israeli skirmishes, broken down by month-here is the end result-Since September 2000 304 Israelis have been terrorized to death while 1,067 Palestinians have gotten whacked. At this rate, there'll be no need for the PLO in about...
  3. Gonzo

    Should handicapped kids be in a regular classroom?

    From a paynet site in Guernsey, IA--thanks Flurff, somebody cares to read the info provided:)
  4. Gonzo

    About effing time

    I just KNEW PAC-Man was innocent.
  5. Gonzo

    Whacked image of the day

    Cubans in blue boats? Blue Whales? S4s BLUE THEME? Somebody who flunked the camoflauge class?
  6. Gonzo

    Pioneer 10 calls home on birthday

    That was V...ger, Pioneer will become one with the Borg:borg:
  7. Gonzo

    Cheap Radeon 8500's at Best Buy!!!

    it's already in hardware from Sunday
  8. Gonzo

    Tip on Nuclear Attack Risk Was Kept From New Yorkers

    Destruction ends at the rivers, large scale cancer at about 50 miles. No, not large term D&D, but a quickly escalated death rate would occur up to 100 miles, though it would slow down as you get farther from "the new" ground zero. OK, unc, you made your point-how's 1/16th the US population...
  9. Gonzo

    Should handicapped kids be in a regular classroom?

    I don't mean those with only a physical handicap. Things that cause disruptions like autistim & retardation. The ones that need special help, or a one on one tutor/assistant.
  10. Gonzo

    Tip on Nuclear Attack Risk Was Kept From New Yorkers

    1/8 is 35M--consider-DE, NJ, PA, NY, CT, RI, MA, VT, NH & ME would be affected by fallout. Possibly OH(unlikely), VA, DC, MD, WV too
  11. Gonzo

    Editorial about patriotism

    For years, after realizing what I & others were doing, I was against the pledge, for the exact reasons Flavio points out. What the hell does a 2nd grader know about pledging allegiance to anything thats not dragonball z/pokemon or barbie? I am still against it in principle, but I also see the...
  12. Gonzo

    Tip on Nuclear Attack Risk Was Kept From New Yorkers

    Talk about a dilemma. Panic 18 million residents & tourists, many of which would still be stuck in the tunnels & bridges or say nothing & have 1/8 of the US population get destroyed.
  13. Gonzo

    Is this for real?

    Hmmmm, interesting-now PROVE IT
  14. Gonzo


    *signed* but nobody cares about CFR, which is equally disaterous:(
  15. Gonzo

    Editorial about patriotism

    The Pledge of Allegiance, before the nifty 50's got ahold of it:let's reurn to the days of yesteryear: no problems in that one.
  16. Gonzo

    A work of art

    cash flow Flavio, cash flow
  17. Gonzo

    Happy birthday, BigDadday!

    I thought you stopped having B-Days Dadday, oh well, if not :invasion: :hbd:
  18. Gonzo

    See, they did their job

    All this extra security is only slowing down our ability to get from point A to point B in a timely manner. The security people did what they were told to do, as is usually the case.
  19. Gonzo

    Morpheus Problem?

    Denial of Service attack
  20. Gonzo

    I'm Back!!!

    Why email the disenfranchised?:D WB babycakes...:wave: