Should handicapped kids be in a regular classroom?

Mentally Handicapped Kids-regular public education classroom or not?

  • Yes

    Votes: 1 6.7%
  • depends on the individual situation

    Votes: 7 46.7%
  • no

    Votes: 5 33.3%
  • kill 'em now, before they multiply.

    Votes: 2 13.3%

  • Total voters


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
I don't mean those with only a physical handicap. Things that cause disruptions like autistim & retardation. The ones that need special help, or a one on one tutor/assistant.


Staff member
Although it could be argued that they need to see what a normal classroom environment is like, I think they generally need to receive special attention until they learn or are taught to cope with their challenges and lead normal lives. Some may prefer that the handicapped kids are killed as they are a "disease" to the population of humans--when were humans given the right to selective breeding when those same people whined about doing the same with animals?


^ bored.
...not to mention the reaction of the other kids (kids are mean you know)

I think they should be in seperate classes, it's best for both I think...


New Member
Kids are mean, sure, that's a given. But if the disabled child is able to mentally "keep up" with the other students, what's wrong with allowing the kid to be in a regular classroom. Say the only problem is that the kid is in a wheelchair, his brain still works.

Sometimes its those kids who are "normal" that are the disruptive ones in class.
Physical handicaps should make no difference, but mental handicaps sure do.

If a kid can't walk, it doesn't mean it can't use his/her brains...but a mentally handicaped child is a whole different story...


Staff member
Mentally handicapped children are the subject of this poll. I wholeheartedly agree physically handicapped kids should be able to be in the regular classroom since they are only physically handicapped and can still use their brain.


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
From a paynet site in Guernsey, IA--thanks Flurff, somebody cares to read the info provided:)


Official Wine Taster
Good topic Gonz! Mus' be a reasonably conservative crowd 'ere, eh? Merciful lot..........(no "burn 'em at the stake" advocates, etc.)
Mind if I mix it up a bit?

First could ya narrow these "Mental handicaps" down a bit? ADD?, ADHD?, Bi-polar?, Psychotic?, Down-syndrome?

If I may embellish a bit?, jus' curious, what about "gay" children, black, white, crack-babies, bi-racial, poor, rich, kids from abusive homes, foster homes, homes with more than one female "parent", bastards, etc............

I would like to ask these pollsters, "should any of these children be 'made' to attempt learnin' in the same environment?"

Why not segregate all these "losers" or "challenged ones" so the rest of our society can "try" to suceed without the "distraction" of those who may require more of our patience an' understandin'?

I dunno........... guess the older I git, the more "tolerant" I tend to be. I mean my oldest son 'as been diagnosed "borderline ADHD". His Psychiatrist an' mother are wantin' to fit him into the potentially, bi-polar group............mentally handicapped lot, hmmmm? Accordin' to "momma".

Anyhows, without a bit more "clarification" I tend to look around at the folk I work with, go to church with, bump into at the market,' picture the kids in my jr. high, highschool wonderin' what made me feel so "different" from those, then considered, mentally handicapped ones, (mostly ones with serious social challenges), an' jus' wanna cut folk a hell of a lot more slack than I did back then.

I've probably missed the whole point.....again.........big suprise huh? Anyhows, appreciate the interestin' question!


New Member
75renegade said:
First could ya narrow these "Mental handicaps" down a bit? ADD?, ADHD?, Bi-polar?, Psychotic?, Down-syndrome?

Good point. I think it's dumb to label kids as ADD. Kids are smart. If they know they can get away with being lazy and disruptive because they're labeled as ADD, they will.

Case in point, I know a kid who is brilliant and with choke common sense. He's the first to finish his classwork (which is done correctly) and because he's bored waiting for everyone else, he becomes disruptive. Because of that, he's labeled ADD. Since he's been labeled ADD, he's become lazy and blames his "disease" for not being able to do his work.

Overcrowding in classrooms is the problem, teacher's can't give everyone adequate individualized attention, so they take the easy way out and label kids.


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
I refuse to recognize ADD/ADHD in 99% of the cases. It should be LFP&tIT(lazy fucking parents & the idiot teachers) syndrome. If you've ever seen a TRULY hyperactive child, then you understand. Otherwise, it's male hating female teachers who don't wish to get their hands dirty making the boys behave.(after all it's ALWAYS the boys)...guess what? male hormones are different than female hormones-thats is why, until about a decade ago, the teachers, parents & even the kids KNEW it was this simple-Girls mature faster than boys. We, males, are active by nature. Some are just worse than other. Learn to control that energy & you'll usually find a very smart kid in there.

Bi-Polar--Bi-te me....shit to keep a shrink busy.
Psychotic-Put them away, they are unsafe to be on the streets.

Read the second & third sentence in the first post, it explains what I mean.

75-tell your ex to get a grip, get the boy outta psychiatry & pull at her ass(her panites seemed bunched up)...telll her that if SHE hadn't given birth to a male, this wouldn't be a problem & that YOU don't want another pussified American male who thinks that males are the problem. Let the boy be a boy. When he gets out of hand, put an end to it but let him be a boy. jesus I'm sick of 9 year olds going to shrinks. how did our species survive the last 40,000 fucking years without Freud?


Staff member
Gonzo made a very strong point. Why is there such a need for kids who are just merely active to have to go to the psychiatrist because "something's not right"? I'll tell you what. There ISN'T. It is no damn syndrome or disease or disorder. It's pure laziness. Laziness is something we as a nation have enough of. That, and irresponsibility. When did it become the teacher's problem to keep a kid under control anyway?

I wonder where all this laziness and irresponsibility stemmed from.


New Member
Well first of all I have to mention that PHYSICALLY handicapped children should be able to choose between schools just as easily as "normal" children. But mentally handicapped children should be in a school where they get the most education.

I have to clarify this. The mentally handicapped children can slow the class down, making the class's progress less in a year and they themselves might not get the most out of the teaching out of that school because of their mental handicap.

Laziness, hyper-activity, sleeplessness, tireness is normal during a high school students life, especially a teenager's. If that is not the case, then there must be something wrong with me and the information I have recieved about this.

The teacher's responsibility in class is to stick to the curriculum and manage to do all the things they have to do during that year if not more, but not less. It's also the teacher's responsibility to do what is in their power to keep the class go forward in the curriculum. If there is one student who is different than others because he's disturbing or something, then that is something between the student's parents, the student himself and the teacher. This does under no circumstanses mean that the student has a mental disorder.

I hope I got it all right and didn't get carried away... experiences with shrinks are that you get out of there more crazy than you'd enter.
Never send maybe-physically-disturbed kids to a won't do them any good.

Just an observation....


New Member
Shadowfax said: experiences with shrinks are that you get out of there more crazy than you'd enter.
Never send maybe-physically-disturbed kids to a won't do them any good.

How come? I've never been to a shrink before, that's why I'm asking.


Eater of Hot Peppered Steak
Of course, I assumed the poll was for physical handicaps. Thus I answered yes. However, mental handicapped people should be case by case. I don't think a 30y.o kindergartener in a public class is going to work too well.


Official Wine Taster
Gonzo said:
Read the poll my opening post....:banghead:

Easy Gonz, Don't break a guitar string 'ere! Folks are jus' tryin' to connect with ya where they can. No offense intended I'm sure, but 'least folk r interested in the topic ya shared! (that's pretty cool, no?):)