Zyban Anyone?


Staff member
I started Zyban this weekend...so far so good.
I'm a 2 pack a day smoker..
First day... 5 cigarettes
second day... 4 cigs
Today.... 1 cig.
it really does make you NOT want to smoke:cool:


Staff member
congrats KRUZ !!! i hope it works for ya. I chew and havent wanted to quit yet. But i know that i should.


Official Wine Taster
Good fer you Kruz!

Smokin' is not an easy habit to lose! Can be very emotionally distressin'. Hang in there bro.! :thup:
Blech, I have quit a few times, one time even 3 years on end. But somehow I don't seem to be able to quite entirely...

But I really don't care that much, I wouldn't really care if I died early because of the effects of smoking (and I do know what I'm talkin' about).

Good though if you keep that going Kruz!


Staff member
damn you....oh I mean congratulations! :D your zyban isn't doing a thing for me....and I'm coming to the conclusion tylenol is not a practical substitute either.

...keep it up :thup:


New Member
So how about an update, if your back smoking or not?
Did the serotonin uptake inhibitor cause you sleeplessness

I'm considering Zyban for myself...


Staff member
Ok update time. I'm not completely off them yet..but! I'm down to 1 or 2 a week (cigs not packs):)
I guess your not supposed to go cold turkey with this drug.. but to wean yourself off them over time... It just helps to cut the cravings down.


my days online are numbered
I have been on it for 1 week now.. seems to be working good for me... my last smoke was March 6th 9am...:D


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
my last smoke was 5 minute ago & boy, it was as crappy as the other 50million I've had:shrug:


Staff member
I hope you stick with it DJ......
I am once again in the death grip of the Marlburo Man:o


New Member

Remember, this medication is effective to help with the physical cravings. Two things with this habit, physical and psychological addiction. In theory, Zyban works on the physical cravings, so you have to want to do it as well! To all of you, keep up the good work!