Islam Sucks


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
Okay. Here we go again. Why is it that if you are an Asian homosexual tree-hugging animal rights activist, you can say ANYTHING you want & if someone decries it, THEY are racist homophobic bigots, but if the opinion is on the other side of PC, it is wrong!!!!!!!
This kid wrote this article in "the South End", the official Student newspaper of Wayne State University" near Detroit. He has since received death threats & is afraid to return to campus. FOR AN OPINION...isn't that the entire point of college, to try opinions & "other things" before putting your life on hold for "da' man" & working for a living? Had he published an artlicle on the suffering of lesbian pygmy goats in America & their lack of abortion rights, he would have been praised. Does anyone remember the first admendment? If people don't like what he says, ignore his ignorant ass or, better yet, EDUCATE HIM, don't threaten him....
I will supply the first reply to this article with an apology he wrote on 02/28/02. So, remember, if you have an opinion, it must first be okayed through the members of GLAAD, NOW, PETA, (whatever muslim society is in vogue), ACT UP & all other ultra liberal INSTITUTIONS there are before publication or you too may be targeted as an exremist & possibly be shot before you can spread your message of hate---damn I'm, pissed:mad:

Islam sucks
Joe Fisher

I'm not very fond of religion. The practice is merely normative statements without credible positive statements to support them and is largely determined by socialization. This is why many people just adopt the religion in which they were raised.

This is also why you don't find many white people attending a mosque or why people raised in Orthodox Judaism don't embrace Christ. These cultural differences are nothing more than subtleties in the cesspool of religion.

Some religions suck more than others, though, and one of them is Islam. It's not Muslims that I dislike - I just dislike their faith.

Many atrocities have been carried out in the name of Islam. Terrorism is a prime example. Some complain that movies involving terrorism predominantly and unfairly portray terrorists as Muslims.

But I fail to see how this is an "unfair" portrayal. Where are the terrorists fighting on behalf of Christianity, Hinduism or Judaism? They exist, but they're on the ultra-fringe. I don't think Americans act as sub-human as the Palestinians did following Sept. 11, dancing in the streets and rejoicing. That brief moment in history will forever leave me apathetic to their fate, if not hopeful for their demise.

What about the Crusades? What about the Israeli treatment of the Palestinians? These are religious acts of violence carried out by non-Muslims. I must be wrong.

But am I? The treatment of the Palestinians by the Israelis is not a religious matter; it's a security matter. The people of Israel enjoy a fairly secular society where fear, not faith, determines policy. The Crusades weren't just about God. They were about expanding trade and general control. Hijackers and suicide bombers actually think they're going to get some sort of eternal reward for this. How stupid is that?

Islam also presents a danger to the welfare of many due to its influence in Middle Eastern and North African governments. Islam subjugates hundreds of millions of women, sexual minorities and other religions where it's the law of the land. The over-emphasis on treating people's faiths equally is the reason most vocal people are on the anti-war side of the debate.

Fortunately, we have a secular public school system in America that can deprogram the children of Muslim immigrants and help them adopt more productive values.

Unfortunately, we have countries like Saudi Arabia where children are taught to make friends with Muslims and adopt their traditions.

Did you know that in Islam, reading the holy books of other religions is a serious sin? So is screwing your brother-in-law apparently. A man in Saudi Arabia recently was convicted of raping his sister-in-law with punishment of six years in jail and 4,750 lashes, to be administered 95 at a time. This is the part the Saudis got right.

Violent rapists should be dealt with brutally. The Saudis screwed it all up when the court ruled that the woman did not consent but still committed the grave offense of banging an in-law. She will receive six months in prison and 65 lashes. Don't you just love the Islamic world where the women are raped, then beaten?

Muslim extremists also get the honor of being lumped together with the likes of the KKK. Apparently, they are one of the last groups that don't consider anti-Semitism a taboo. Munich 1972 is a good example. So is the past week. A Pakistani official said Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl's last words before having his throat slit were, "I am a Jew, and my father is a Jew."

I'm aware this isn't an exact representative of all Muslims, but compared to other religious fanatics, it happens quite frequently. Furthermore, if governments that perpetuate such atrocities exist, there must be enough support for these values among their citizens. Being that the women probably can't vote, they are hopelessly trapped in the result of one of the most destructive religions of all time.

This should tell you there is something uniquely flawed with this one.

Turkey is the shining light amidst all this madness. There's an understanding that a Muslim society can prosper, as long as it downplays the whole Islam thing. Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, the founder of modern Turkey, understood this.

"Countries may vary, but civilization is one, and for a nation to progress, it must take part in this one civilization," he said. "The decline of the Ottomans began when, proud of their triumphs over the West, they cut their ties with the European nations. This was a mistake which we will not repeat."

I'd like to close by saying that the Muslim world is the poorest, most illiterate, backward, unhealthy, unenlightened, deprived and weakest of all the races. I don't have to defend these words because I didn't say them. Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf did at a science and technology conference last week. Good job Pervez. The first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem.
Daniel Pearl, you will not be forgotten. E-mail Joe at [email protected]
The views represented here reflect those of the individual writers, and not necessarily of The South End, The Student Newspaper Publication Board or Wayne State University. The South End welcomes letters to the editor, which can be sent via email or sent directly to our office.


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
'Perhaps I should explain myself'
Joe Fisher
I unconditionally apologize.

My column titled "Islam sucks" was unnecessarily harsh and insensitive to the feelings of many individuals. However, I reserve the right to explain myself.

I wrote the column as an intentional exaggeration, a twisting of information and hearsay, in order to prove a point: that people take religion too seriously.

For the past day, I have been afraid to come to school because of some threatening e-mails I received and other things I've heard from friends about what was happening on campus. This supports my point.

Truth is, I'm just a 19-year-old white boy from the suburbs who doesn't know anything, except that people who want to kill me, put my picture up on the Internet and put me on the local news stations need to get a grip. If anyone were to act on such feelings, it would prove the person writing that column right. If you don't want to prove that person right, do the most powerful thing: ignore and know ignorance for what it is.

I would like to extend my thanks to those individuals who e-mailed me and took positive approaches. These individuals set a good example for all of us when they responded to my words of ignorance with the desire to enlighten me.

As some of you may recall, I wrote a column protesting the B-Gas Coalition's claim that people should not buy gas from Arab-owned stations because the profits may be used to fund terrorism. I didn't mean the things I wrote in the way that I twisted them. I wrote it to see if some people would react as poorly as expected.

I had no idea things were going to go down like this. If we ever want to move on as a human race, we need to ignore the people who say things like I said, not parade them.

Regardless, my column was in poor taste. It was extremely offensive to a large portion of the student body at a very sensitive time in Islamic relations in our country. I apologize again for using such a method to get my point across with such disregard for the emotions of others.

People who know me should realize that I'm not what the previous column reflects. You would be hard pressed to find a Muslim whom I've treated poorly because of his or her faith alone.

E-mail Joe through [email protected]
To be honest, I think Joe Fisher's thoughts behind his story are right. Religion is taken too seriously and religion is perhaps the #1 cause of wars.

I don't say screw religion, but I do say respect each others opinion and don't try to push your opinion through somebody's throat.

Same thing with Joe Fisher; he has the right to give his opinion. Good thing to provoke some discussion and some reactions on these matters.
People nowadays are too scared to give their opinion on a lot of issues, involving religion and politics because their opinions may hurt some jackass' feelings.
Speak with your head up high, and be honest. That way, it doesn't matter anymore if other people agree on you or not.


New Member
sorry, but joe is a moron.

"I'm not very fond of religion. The practice is merely normative statements without credible positive statements to support them and is largely determined by socialization. This is why many people just adopt the religion in which they were raised."

here we have a normatively conditioned dolt who does not quite realize that his own commentary applies to him as much as anyone else. no, wait, he's got it all figured out, right?

he sounds like a first year sociology student at best. and that is not very good.

i go to wayne state. if i see him, i'm going to call him poopoo head.


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
2minkey said:
i go to wayne state. if i see him, i'm going to call him poopoo head.

Then YOU will be accused of insensitivity. The point isn't what he said, but his right to say it. Just as yours is to rebutt it.


New Member
I believe we are all very poorly educated in the ways of other cultures and their religious beliefs, moreover when we read something these days we expect the content to have some credibility and or the author to have done some research.

The written word is extremely powerful, and words used to incite violence or hatred are the most incidious weapons.

I think this Joe Fisher is a putz, although we're all entitled to a opinion, publishing stuff like this is bound to cause mayhem.

It would be like running around his campus with a gun, while shouting "Don't worry I'm not gonna shoot anyone" he got his jollies stirring up shit and certainly got his just rewards via the threats he recieved... he's lucky he wasn't made to apologise after he got wasted.... lol


New Member
A teacher of mine who tought religion in my class once said at the beginning of the first year:

"Don't even think about religion logically, it wasn't meant to be logical".


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
krusty said:
I believe we are all very poorly educated in the ways of other cultures and their religious beliefs...

Very true, albeit we of the western world are expected to bend to ideologies of other places yet they don't have the same expectations when coming west. As we now have "one world", shouldn't everyone be expected to bend a little?


New Member
i still think he's a poopoo head.

using phrases like "cesspool of religion" is just stupid. fine, joe, be a stinking atheist like me - but don't be a disrespectful asshole while you're at it.


Staff member
I support his right to write whatever he wants. I guess if he attacks someone's religion like that in a paper though, people are going to get pissed. Not surprising.


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
flavio said:
I support his right to write whatever he wants. I guess if he attacks someone's religion like that in a paper though, people are going to get pissed. Not surprising.

Why get pissed at on opinion? Educate him. Ignore him. Laugh at him. Feel sorry for the putz. But we all have opinions, some good, some bad & some just plain stupid If we have the thought police involved, then aren't we giving up a fundamental human right? Who are we to says he's not right? It's an opinion article, not an order from the Grand High BooBah to all his not so grand & not so high BooBah flunkies with semi-automatic noodle whips.


New Member
Gonzo said:
Very true, albeit we of the western world are expected to bend to ideologies of other places yet they don't have the same expectations when coming west. As we now have "one world", shouldn't everyone be expected to bend a little?

Bending is directly proportional to income Gonz.


Staff member
If we have the thought police involved, then aren't we giving up a fundamental human right? Who are we to says he's not right?

I didn't say anything about keeping him from expressing his opinion. I'm just saying if you attack a religion in a school paper alot of people are going to think you're an asshole. Any threats are out of line though.


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
I wasn't really "asking" you Flavio, just using the pulpit;)


New Member
Why are threats out of line flav?

If you write junk then expect a crap response.... you dont have to be a genius to work it out... thats why the guys excuses are lame... he knew, like we all do , what response he'd get.

Remember that your indepence as a country came from such writing.


Perverted Penguin
Staff member
These people pose the threat most likely because they themselves are uneducated or neglect to think about the very paper that this nation is founded upon. Freedom of speech is something people ignore. Look at what we can or cannot say in schools, workplace and public now...slowly it's going away. Now I'm going to say what's on my mind. I'm going to exercise my freedom of speech.

"I think President Bush is an idiot. I don't give a rats ass what anyone else thinks."

Now, I could say something more deragatory or inflamatory but then what do I have to look forward to? People telling me I have no right saying that or threating ME because THEY think THEY can tell ME what to do (the F.B.I. and C.I.A. as wella s the local police come to mind here......).

Go down to the Library (if your town even has one that is or it's hasen't been burnt down by the local youth movement) and look up the CONSTITUTION. Along with that, look up the BILL OF RIGHTS. Read it and you might LEARN something USEFUL.


Eater of Hot Peppered Steak
Freedom of Speech is no Guarentee of Freedom from Consequences.

Example. The constitution will not protect you if you go to a Black Panther rally in a white sheet screaming "all african's must die!".

The constitution gives you the right to say what you want. But that is all.