original food fight thread


Official Wine Taster
Needin' relief!

Hey Q, Tailpipe's gettin' a little sore from all from all the recent activity! How 'bout tryin' a different "attack"! (Flings a bowl of soggy cereal in sour goat's milk at Q)!Eewwwwww


Staff member
Oh, one little banana and a bratwurst :D I had to disable it for a little while to hide behind it.
*Whips boysenberry sno-cones and cotton candy at s4* he loos waaaay too clean :evillaff:


Staff member
Yeah...but not with food
*plops ice cream cone upside down on uncs head*


Official Wine Taster
Hey, Neo!

Ya gonna help me out here, bro.? yer da one with all the huntin' & cookin' experience!

........Tailpipes both clean, '75 puts the hammer down & makes fer the hills! (see ya!)


Staff member
*Q whips out her ronco® quick relaease raincoat* ha! no pesky mustard and ketchup stains on me:p
*sticks a candy cane in s4's ear and pummels prof with a snack-pack pudding*


Official Wine Taster
Than, "Q"!

After "mucho" employ of said, strawberry- preserve-removin' squeegee, '75 stops to help Q, seein's 'er vehicle's now stalled......well, maybe not a "complete" stop....an maybe not really to "help"...
Ok, I whip out my super-soaker, blast 'er with a 30 foot stream
and drive off laughin'!:lol: :lol:


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
*SUPERGONZO, having returned from OHIO, see's his ally is in trouble, "Q, jump in the big Truck of freedom". She is now safe from the sub-par Jeep from hell, which will fit very nicely under my 18-wheeler should it show up again. Seeing a shopping cart full of groceries, I twist the rear end of my 53' trailer & send it's contents onto EVERYONE!!!*

*multiple honks 0f the air horn on the way outta dodge, heading for the super-fortified Q castle*


Staff member
Tralalalala you people who pick on Q....*opens back doors of SUPERGONZO's crime fightin' semi to unload a whole trailer full a watermelons*
hahahahahahah...STEP ON IT GONZ!!! :D :p


Staff member
Haggis...I'm not skeeered of haggis. *fwops prof directly in the chest with a large hunk of.......eiw blood tongue.*
Take that ya big ninny.haggis, oh like, I'm soooo sure....


Mushroom at large
Blood Tongue? WTF is that? Doncha mean beef tongue? (yummy)

*Lofts a steak and kidney pie in fury's general direction.*

(BTW Q you do know what haggis is, doncha?