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  1. Q

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    Helloooooooo devious!! :wave: Welcome to the boards!
  2. Q

    Breakfast with Q.. >>>

    Oh RM.....looks like I'm gonna be blazing by you and your little friend grasshopper....hopefully in the next 24 hours. :D Wanna do lunch?:wave:
  3. Q

    Emergency password protection help!!!

    Yeah, me too s4. I lost that proggie when the HDD failed and I wanted to reinstall it. That was very handy to use. However, I found a new free one that locks the desktop, seems to work pretty well (locked kirk out :D) it's just slightly more inconvient. It doesn't have an icon on the desktop...
  4. Q


    No doubt!:rolleyes:
  5. Q

    What the hell??

    Hmmm...I think it might have finally sent them in. We shall see at the next update.
  6. Q

    What the hell??

    One of my t-birds flatly refuses to upload it's work. I had to reboot that machine yesterday and it wouldn't connect to Stanford. So I slapped it on nonet just to get it to continue crunching. I was kinda keeping an eye on it, to send in the results as they finished (which I thought I did)...
  7. Q


    You bathe them in the driveway?:eek2: They aren't Broncos, ya know. :D
  8. Q

    Happy Birthday HavoK

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY HAVOK!! :beerchug:
  9. Q


    :D ...and I got a little stash that simply refuses to upload :(
  10. Q

    What a laugh riot!

    That's kinda like picking on the handicapped, isn't it? :D
  11. Q

    What a laugh riot!
  12. Q

    Je suis supersounds of the 70s

    ummmm is it the French variety of Latin? which is no improvement btw, since nooobody speaks Latin...cept amybe a few priests who are, by now, too old to know what they're talking about.:p
  13. Q

    Je suis supersounds of the 70s

    Have we gone French? What is going on here? French, French,'s everywhere!:scared: This forum, the SE, unc's sig, somebody at OCN's sig. No more French, I tell ya! I don't speak a word of French and I don't wanna learn now, so just stop it ALL OF YOU. I liked Alan Parsons...
  14. Q

    Help moi, s'il vous plait!!!!!

    ummmm, OK!:sex:
  15. Q

    Help moi, s'il vous plait!!!!!

    Fuser...don't make me have to bite you AND have to break out the muzzle. Jeez, how much warning is required around here anyway? The next time you see pitbull and cramps in the same train of thought...well, here's a little hint: TURN TAIL AND RUUUUNNNNN!!!! more warnings will be...
  16. Q

    Help moi, s'il vous plait!!!!!

    ...just keeping in profile with my profile:D not just anybody can be called a pitbull and live up to the reputation. :D..also, I have cramps.
  17. Q

    What a laugh riot!

    I can't believe a whole page got filled before TN got in on the act. However, it was worth the wait. True to form, he clobbered the mac nuggets. Too bad they pussed out. Hopefully Pras post (of br0cks delightful screeny) at mac nn will bring em back outta the woodwork. :D:D:D
  18. Q

    Help moi, s'il vous plait!!!!!

    Listen Mr. Knowitall, I did not crash my network cuz I unchecked stuff from msconfig. First the router was broke. It arrived that way. Next it was under attack from Florida Power and Light, who incedentally also managed to murder my HDD. And C.) she does not have a network, so crashing it by...
  19. Q

    A Case With 1700+ CFM!!!!!!!!

    I bet that sucker sounds like a heliport.:scared: