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  1. Q

    Hey Q!

    Don't you worry Posty...*Q switches to pitbull mode*:evillaff:
  2. Q

    Hey Q!

    I just lost the HDD on my comcrap. It was a WD....but it's demise was a direct result of the damn power company. I am gaonna get something outta them for my distress.:smash:
  3. Q

    Hey Q!

    Yikes! don't say that! I got a 2 month old 40GB IBM in one of my t-birds. :eek2: That seemed like it took a looong time long have you been waiting?
  4. Q

    Listen up punks

    I'll hound him just because it's one of my favorite recreational activities :D
  5. Q

    Listen up punks

    Someone has to might as well be me. What kind of retard backs up the files and doesn't write down the p/w?? Perhaps Zack should be in charge of the next list. ...and you will be hounded until a new AL is established! and not just by me either...I have friends, ya know. :p
  6. Q

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    :wave: HIYA BLUEGHOST!!!
  7. Q

    original food fight thread

    *hoses s4 down with Spray-n-Wash®* oh looky! here's an eggplant in 75 renegades tail does he keep getting all these things up there? :D
  8. Q

    I miss you, Q

    I've missed you too na....and ku'u. :love: get your little hawaiian butts in here and post more....don't make me come lookin' for ya's :D
  9. Q

    Printscreen for Blondes

    Yo...bird brain...oh, I mean Tweety :D....there is a simply hideous pic of me in the gallery. I've been badgered by the best to send a better one in...right, my little love muffin of pink blobity? ;) but I always have some dumb whole network went Chernobyl this week, only one...