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  1. Q

    I feel sorry for dial-uppers

    Shhhh, you're just making it worse.we know dial up is baaad, we just don't say it out loud git in that corner till I say you can come out!:smash: *tries to distract fury with cheesy nachos*
  2. Q

    I feel sorry for dial-uppers

    See? whaddid I tell ya? :smash: *Fuser will now be banished to the corner for an undisclosed amount of time*
  3. Q

    I feel sorry for dial-uppers

    *psssst* Fuser...don't say that right out loud in front of fury.:cry: :scared:
  4. Q

    2000 posts in Thriller Promotions & Pavilion!

    TRALALALALA!! *stands on head and twirls*:spin:
  5. Q

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    :wave: HIYA VALVEMAN!!!
  6. Q

    Oh the weather outside is frightful ....

    Fog is baaaaad. A couple years ago I was driving to Tampa before dawn, going the usual 75mph, with all the other cars and all of the sudden we were just in was the weirdest thing. I didn't know if I should slow down (and risk getting plowed into from behind) stay the same speed (and...
  7. Q

    Microsoft, please fix your software!

    Hmm, I never watched tech TV. I'm not even sure we get that channel....but I gotta find out. This guy is too cool. :cool:
  8. Q

    Advice update

    They didn't have a leg to stand on BD...too bad they didn't figure that out until after they got you all shook up. Glad to hear they did come to their senses after all. :thup:
  9. Q


    I didn't send any messages, cuz I had that acct on a dead puter for a week....and Mr. Crappyattitudetech guy said I have no incoming messages on their server. I even asked him if they automatically delete them if they are left on the server too long (which I wouldn't consider a week too long...
  10. Q


    Well, I guess it doesn't matter. This morning I got a message from the @home postmaster saying I had reached the "high water mark" on my inbox, it was 80% full and if I didn't delete some old messages, new incoming messages would be returned. I called @home and spoke to the most uncooperative...
  11. Q


    Flav, I'm not sure if I didn't explain it right, or I don't understand what you're saying. I did set up the existing account on another computer and I got one message from the day before I changed the account. If I put that netmail in the incoming and outgoing won't that change the server...
  12. Q

    There ...

    I'm thinking you'll need to get a bunch of those power strips and a buttload of those plug-in air fresheners to disguise the beer smell...after that you should be good to go. :D
  13. Q

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    :wave: HIYA FREDDIE!!!
  14. Q

    Very wierd

    You don't like windows anyway. Get rid of's possessed.:scared:
  15. Q

    Quem é Noite Escura?

    You're a hunk Noite! :D
  16. Q

    Very wierd

    Is this for a customer? Where was that drive before you swapped it out? In any event, I say get rid of the damn thing.:eek2:
  17. Q

    Does your local grocery store...

    Publix is the number one grocery store here and they have, by far, the best bakery in the entire free world. I think all the other stores have bakeries as well, but this place is awesome.
  18. Q

    should the war in Afganistan be over soon?

    stumble bisciut...I'm simply speechless (which almost never happens)...bravo!:thup: also, we like to think of ourselves as open minded and mature enough to discuss differing points of view, being new here does not exclude you...I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say, feel free to speak your...
  19. Q

    Sound Card

    ROFL is encouraged :lol: least I didn't install it and drive myself crazy trying to figure out why it wouldn't work.:eh:
  20. Q

    Sound Card

    Then again, maybe I'll just wait till I get some speakers. DOH. :o *Q skulks off wondering why she would want to put a sound card in a machine with no speakers*