Search results

  1. Q

    Help moi, s'il vous plait!!!!!

    Spirit, do you not want this stuff running or just want to know what the stuff is?? A bunch of stuff puts itself in your start up, but you don't really need it there. If you want to get rid of it do this: Start>Run>type msconfig. On the general tab make sure selective start up is checked...
  2. Q

    br0ck baby!!!!!!!!

    Great news br0ck-baby!!:thup: :)
  3. Q

    Happy Birthday MARKJS !!!

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARK!!!! :beerchug:
  4. Q


    He is quite the snappy dresser Gonz. :D
  5. Q

    Breakfast with Q.. >>>

    *chomp* grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr :mad: no flyin' pigs in these parts :D
  6. Q

    Oh the weather outside is frightful ....

    I know I was.:scared:
  7. Q

    Cordless Logitech Optical Mouse

    Cordless Ligitech Optical Mouse I've had a cordless Logitech mouse for over a year and been very happy with him. So I just went out and got a cordless optical mouse. This guy is even better. If you're considering going cordless, this is definately the way to go.
  8. Q


  9. Q

    Advice update

    Keep your chin up BD. What goes around, comes around. Also, I find it's good for the soul to make stupid faces at the meanies behind their backs.:p :D
  10. Q

    Back where he belongs

    This is a perfect example of an improperly labeled sports related thread. These things need warning labels on them.:sick:
  11. Q

    statsman is pissing me off

    *GASP* pawned the children??? I'm so flattered. :D
  12. Q

    statsman is pissing me off

    I added a half a gig the a13 predictions, you should be in trouble in about 2 years :D I'm shooting for a couple weeks.:evillaff:
  13. Q

    statsman is pissing me off

    Here's an interesting little twist to the stats (mine anyway) On the OCN team I'm in 52nd place and Research Monkey is in 51st. We have the same number of genes, and he has a little over a hundred units more than me. According to a13's stats, it will take me roughly 5 1/2 years to pass him. :D...
  14. Q


    Hmmm, I could stick that server in there and see what happens. I'll give it a shot and let ya know. Thanks Flav.
  15. Q

    Pretty bad day today.

    *hugs to br0ck and mom of br0ck*:love: Take good care of your momma.
  16. Q

    Q, if you needed help...

    Real funny, Fuser...ya little retard. :p:retard:::D I don't even spell my name like that.....who said you could come outta the corner?:smash:
  17. Q

    Ladies, he's waiting!

    I liked those puppies better.
  18. Q

    2000 posts in Thriller Promotions & Pavilion!

    That is simply not true. I read all the threads that aren't sports related and a few that are because they are not clearly marked. :D
  19. Q

    Kicked teacher dies

    He coulda been big for his age or just plain evil like, well, you know who.:banghead: