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    boy oh boy, is this fun :D
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    slacker is a whacker, just smack him and be on your merry way.
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    amabobber, you're a bobber...we're all bobbers :spin: pad, you're killing me :D
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    Love is a many splendored thing :retard:
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    time everlasting (great minds think alike, huh Spirit??):beerchug:
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    Leaf me alone :D
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    World turnin'
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    Baby puppies (big pic warning)

    All the doggies here are cute Outlaw. I wish I could have a few of each kind.
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    falling in love again
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    Band on the na na na na band on the run....
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    NYC Airports closed again

    I checked out CNN site, but it only has about 3 sentences, no speculation as to the cause of the crash. :( *edit* CNN is getting totally hammered, I can't even get the site to load now. at OCN I read its a Boeing A300 airbus and according to Boeings website, it has a capacity of 266...
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    supercalafragilisticexpealadocious....and a spoon full of sugar makes the medicine go down.
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    Happy birthday, br0ck and Jas101

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY BR0XEN & JAS!!! :beerchug: :wave:
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    Come together, right now!.........over me.
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    You can't ban me :smash: I know where you live.:D
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    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    :wave: HIYA SONICLOS!! jeez, I thought soniclos joined a long time ago, he's been crunching like a maniac for us for quite some time. :thup:
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    Yeah, but all I had from April till Sept was a K6-2 500.
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    Photoshop 6 try-out sucks!!

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    Baby puppies (big pic warning)

    Nope, I have a smooth coated fox terrier. That is a smooth coated Jack Ressell terrier. My fox terriers legs are about 3 times as long as that Jack Russell.
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    Thanks :D