Oh my god! I didn't know Poison Ivy could cause damage like that! I thought it just went away after a few days or a week!
I didn't know you could lose your foot!
We'll see what it's like if/when it comes out.
I see two possibilities/explantions about the game.
It has been in production for so long that the technology they started with is no longer realistic to use in a modern game (read: Daikatana)
The designers are afraid of the first...
Ummm, METALLICA recorded that cover in 1984 and released it on Garage Day Revisited.
The recent heat they are getting over Napster has no effect on the amazing music they recorded 7 years ago...
They are doing what any other good business men do, getting as much money as possible. They do...
I played then demo when it was half finished too! I shouldn't have downloaded it at all.
In the first mission I have to go steal a jeep. Problem is, when it says I'm 0 meters away from the freaking jeep, i'm standing in the middle of a damn road with no vehicles in sight!
I kept getting shot...
Personally, I hate it. It doesn't look good and the engine is buggy. The graphics look like Half life for instance.
I wish I had played it when I first downloaded it instead of downloading it again just so I could have the CloneCD version!
The feeling that I get when I think about how I have helped someone is so great. Thinking that some little girl will still have a grandfather at christmas actually brings a tear to my eye, it is such a good feeling.
For you people that do donate, I know you do Sam, keep up the good work. It's...
I wish you the best of luck Law, I hope you find what you're looking for. If I can be any help in anything, just give me a hoot, I'm not more than a message away!
Good luck friend.
I got this today, looks like it could be fun, if I ever got into it. I think I'll play it some tonight, but I'll prolly never touch it after tonight.
Any of your guys played it yet? There's a demo out there as well...
I got it, but things didn't run right! I ran the tutorial thing, and there were people missing, the doorways didn't have doors in them, the rooms were empty, I was very desappointed. Not only that, but I don't even like that kinda game
You could hear in his voice at the beginning that he was about to crack, but I thought he was going to break down the other direction, and start weeping